
You can push them "in" when you need to put it in your pocket.

If there's one thing I wouldn't worry about for an Uncharted game, it's the graphics. The first one is still amazing today visually.

Jesus H. Christ.

Let's continue this argument after Nintendo, Konami and Capcom have had their conferences. And I didn't mean to be a dick earlier, I genuinely was trying to cheer you up with those two games. I believe they make it worth sticking around for another year, even without new big announcements in that space. Unfortunately

You just shone a completely new light on the system's name, I thank you for that.

Less important for a dedicated gaming system, but I'm curious about the RAM. Hopefully it's not lower than 256 MB.

Lol thanks, this one will take a while to make its way into my everyday vocabulary.

Being on the shortlist after having seen only one of the companies in the show (and their lackluster offerings, honestly) is not the same as being crowned Game of the Show. Please don't tell me you actually expect Tomb Raider to outshine everything else.

They answered most of those. The only hole is the price of the games, but I don't see them going much more north than $40. PSP games lasted just as long as any other game, I don't think length should even be brought up. Some devs might fuck up, but in general they all respect the same standards: 15-20 hours for

Depends. If Sony markets it well, and has bundles with LBP, MNR and the game that uses the back panel it could become a hit with kids. Not to mention the potential this system has with Monster Hunter.

You know something is wrong when a juggernaut like SE hangs to fucking Tomb Raider as its saving grace. And sorry, what "everyone" are you talking about? I can't take their word seriously, we're just on day 1 of E3, they can't possibly know what's Game of Show yet. (I actually would love to see the audacious reporter

Funny you mention PS2 remakes and try to hype the 3DS.

Apple and Sony, you made me happy today. Now time to start saving for NGP!

Well, they do have the fastest 3G service. Anyone who has an Android or iPhone should get MyWi anyway.

Sony is not developing FF13-2. Be disappointed in Square Enix (I'm surprised this company even exists still). Also, Dark Souls and Elder Scrolls Skyrim are stated for release this year, no?

" There's a DJ on stage, they're breaking down the set and there appear to be some ballet dancers standing on top of kiosks."

That's the spirit! A $600 32-inch option would be nice too.

Yes, every sex fraction sex of a sex second all I can sex think of is sex sex sex sex. We're all sex machines!

You have a star, you must have seen lazier ways on this very website. Again, at most it deserves a facepalm and a click on the "Back" button. Not the vitriol I'm seeing here.

1) You're entitled to your opinion. One could argue that depriving developers and publishers of their hard-earned cash is way worse than breaking someone's heart. Making a joke about 9/11 on 9/12 is in poor taste. This is an informative article about an immoral act that each person should be accountable for. There's