
Lifehacker indeed. But seriously, being a geek is not just about being noble. The commenters on the other article made it seem like you gave instructions on how to properly cook newborn babies.

Someone's angry.

Yeah, I can finally recommend iOS without having to say "but jailbreak it before you even start using it."

You misread my comment completely. I'm not saying she blacked out and had sex with someone else. I'm saying that it is possible that that happened, and that the word of someone who was clearly too intoxicated to remember her night clearly can't be taken as the only evidence. Not because she didn't get raped (I wasn't

No, in her drunkenness she may have played with her dildo or had someone else over. I'm not saying she's knowingly lying, but she was unconscious for a while. I've woken up from blackouts making out with girls in my bed I had zero recollection of even seeing before. It happens.

Sorry, I don't buy it. Had they released Sony execs info (not that it would be any less wrong), maybe. Had they sent the list to Sony execs and said "look how open your shit is," maybe. But this is not to wake consumers nor Sony up. They probably took it personally that Sony as a company made certain decisions or they

I love when people put these ridiculous expectations on systems that barely get announced. I don't believe you would have bought it regardless of its price or features. You're just pushing the goal posts out of the field.

So it means Jobs saw further ahead than Gates, it's simple. Please don't act like Apple accidentally "stumbled upon" all these technologies. They had a vision, that many people (including myself) knocked them for, and they proved themselves.

You don't have to exit apps to access the music player. Double-click the home button to bring up the app switcher, then swipe to the left for pared down iPod controls

I see your point, but no need to knock on the competitors. They also bring new things, and indirectly do make the experience even better for iPad users.

This has to be a joke.

So he couldn't have done all these things and still not raped her? Is it impossible?

That's like saying "for anybody upset about the fact that she got raped, just imagine he fed her chocolates." WTF

Thank you so much for this.

Juries have access to information that neither you nor the person who posted these posters (most likely) have. There's an article on this website about the position of a juror: there might have been penetration, but no DNA, hair, skin cells or anything. Could he have used a rubber suit and not shed a single cell?

I honestly don't see them. I'm not saying they aren't out there (some people take incredibly good care of their stuff), but the white MB and the PowerBook G4's are way more ubiquitous, and it never feels like their owners have to "deal" with them.

It will be an option. And sometimes full screen apps are great when you're on a tight schedule and need to focus on a single task (like cranking that 10-page paper last minute or read that book you should have days ago).

I don't think the article is for us, more for newcomers or people Googling "why does my Mac freeze/become sluggish after a while?"

Neither Microsoft nor Apple are stupid enough to actually kill the personal desktop computer. They're just adding UI stuff from appliances they think would make it easier to use, and they're adapting their OS's to integrate those appliances better. End result: experience on the desktop is more pleasant, and the
