
As long as the browser exists, it will only be the norm for the consumers who want it to be. I agree with you, but we're really the minority all things considered.

I believe the Air is to the iPad what Lion is to iOS: eventually, the iPad will become a MBA with no keyboard. It's no surprise that an ARM Air is floating around, but I don't think the current mobile processors are mature enough. And who knows, maybe Intel will have finished its Ivy Bridge (same principle, other

It looks like an Air.

To justify his woes with his own platform.

Excellent solution as well.

You're talking about something completely different. This is about OSX usage over a few hours (or days), and it happens to anything that has RAM ever. And yes, Macs do last way longer than the average PC (look how many people still use their white Macbooks from 5-6 years ago on any campus or library) because the

One more tip: have Firefox with no Flash (just remove the app from its folder, in case you want to put it back), and Google Chrome installed. Use Firefox for everyday use and Chrome (it has its own Flash built-in) for specific things like web videos, apps, etc. In fact, I find myself actually opening Chrome less and

What are they supposed to do? Dump tea into the sea? This is something that will happen whether we like it or not, so might as well see the (potential) positive side. Or at least let Amazon know how they can make the blow a bit weaker.

Lol are you serious? Yes, to play on the bus, in the car, at a friend's place, on the plane, while camping, everytime you're not at home, which for some people is a lot.

I don't know what Nintendo expected. It's like they learned nothing from Sony's initial console problems this generation. I'm sure things will start turning around with Ocarina of Time and other blockbusters.

I doubt it for 3G, but I've been wrong before.

I seriously recommend the current Airs to anyone who wants an ultraportable after the new ones have been released and take advantage of the lower price. These things are beasts, and it doesn't seem like software is becoming more resource-intensive.

Is it not objective enough or not praising enough? It doesn't seem to me like the author of the article invented anything, and those seem like legitimate complaints.

Isn't that what separates legitimate companies from patent trolls in the first place? Are you serious?

Paypal should have done like everyone else who's been Googlified: ignore them. After (inevitably) failing, Google would have just proposed to buy them for an incalculable amount of money.

We're not talking building a gaming rig, here. While this is just a rumor, I'm fairly confident Sony knows what actually cuts costs and what doesn't for a handheld, while you don't. The RAM will probably be custom-made, just like everything else, so it's not the same as the DDR3 bars we buy for normal PC's.

After having played the 3DS, I don't think the PSP's problem is its obsolescence. Sony could have kept the guts intact for the NGP and still been able to compete as far as power goes, in my opinion. Another PS2 versus Gamecube.

Probably because I bought everything I've ever bought...


"If I say Toyota is beating the competition I obviously don't have Ferrari in mind."