
And I'm sorry you have to resort to calling people retarded and "computer janitors" (lol what) to have a shot at making an argument. My point was very simple: you're comparing a free, open source home automation solution to a high-end, established set of products.

I don't think we're arguing over the same article. Also buy your own damn phone, stop leeching.

Crestron makes tablets now? Oh wait no, we were talking about a specific OS feature.

The difference only really exists in rural areas, and that's the point he was trying to prove and that Apple is (too clumsily) trying to avoid. He's not an idiot, he's protecting your own privacy.

I'd just like to point out that you're comparing a free/open source option to a high-end one. The "competition" here is other companies offering something similar in price and/or functionality. If I say Toyota is beating the competition I obviously don't have Ferrari in mind.

Besides your first point, your criticisms make no sense at all. Clearly the cloud music and Google@Home are way ahead of their competition. Are you saying they shouldn't bring competition at all to the table?

This is about OS compatibility, not the usability of your phone. It won't disintegrate in your pocket, but it won't meet the requirements for the OS after that. Or do you want OEM's to come to your house and upgrade your phone right in front of you with better hardware to match the requirements?

GTA4 still looks 10x better than this. And I'm sure it's still more fun too.

I did it as soon as I heard of the attack, I wish I did it more often now. Banks can suck it.

It really seems to be the angle. If you look closely the bottom white and metal parts match perfectly, only the white top is fatter. I think it's because the screen on the white is reflecting more and the black one isn't.

Sorry for the obnoxious comparison, but do you also stop putting your money in banks after one gets robbed?

Haha I agree with being able to have arguments with reasonable people here, it's not something you find easily on the Internet.

Unless you know a lot more than I do, I don't know if I just buy your claim that they've intentionally left a bunch of security holes open. If you think any company is invulnerable, no matter how many precautions they take, you're mistaken. Sony has a lot more to use in this than the typical gamer, I seriously doubt

While they've handled it strangely, hackers getting into PSN isn't really Sony's fault either. They're even more victims than gamers, all things considered.

"The Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP had their total revenue share cut all the way down from 24 percent in 2009 to just 16 percent last year, reports Flurry Analytics, while the combination of Android and iOS nearly doubled, jumping from 5 percent all video game revenue in 2009 to 8 percent in 2010.

You're right. It's unfair to assume that not meeting expectations is disappointing to a company. Indeed, the very definition of disappointment is not "The feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations." I apologize for hurting your feelings by making shit up. Clearly I

I'm not the one saying sales are disappointing, Nintendo is. Pay attention. I'm saying Apple is taking sales away from them (and so those Apple consumers are buying new hardware, just not Nintendo hardware). Whether they sell 100 million or 1 million in 1 day is up to their own interpretation, I wasn't saying the 3DS

Whether kids use them exclusively for gaming or not is irrelevant. Is it important that I use my 360 more for media streaming than games? No: what's important is that I bought a 360 over a Wii, and kids are buying (or are forcing their parents to buy) iPods/iPads and their software over 3DS and its software.

"Parents don't buy an iPod for their kids because of games."

As long as it's ok to watch movies where people are getting killed, and play games where you're killing people, these sorts of "outrages" will make me laugh. This is just like the uproar over DNF's "tap that ass" thing.