
May or not be related to this, but there was fraudulent activity on my card this weekend, and I received an alert this morning. Thankfully they only took a couple of dollars (which I will do everything in my power to get back) but the small amount does lead me to believe that it's a widespread attack. So check your

Surprisingly classy, Microsoft. Good reply.

It may not have helped her case, but it would still protect several women to some extent. Again, the fact that the website is showing some sort of diligence might put off some predators who then might think twice about using the service to fish for victims.

Having two dates and getting invited to someone's home does not mean "this chick wants to blow me" except in the minds of rapists (and probably Brad Pitt). Also, do you seriously Google everyone you meet? If so you aren't web savvy, you're a creep. Facebook at most.

That's why you sue.

True, and I agree with your other points.

The iPad/iPad 2 has a stated 3 hour advantage, and that's if you're really pushing it. Reviewers have seen that it actually lasts longer in many tests.

Not having been formally diagnosed is not the same as being completely normal.

Nobody's saying his is the only way to piracy. But there's no denying that opening access this way is something that could have ended in illegitimate software running on PS3.

And relatively less than what widespread piracy would cost them.


Might not be Hollywood, but lighting technology is pretty impressive these days in my opinion. I suggest Far Cry 2 (although the game itself is not that great), Killzone 2-3, GTA4 and its expansions and Red Dead Redemption.

Haha I agree with everything but two things: the notifications have been fixed already, and Jailbreak devs have indeed added a "Clear All" button.

Very close, but it's not exact.

No matter what the iPhone 4 is a bad investment right now. This is slightly better (at least it has 4G!), but I think you should just wait and decide between the Droid Bionic and the iPhone 5. In 6 months, 4G and dual cores will be the standard, there's no point in compromising now.

So amazing that this is almost to the letter the way I introduced my friend to GTA4 2 days ago. Didn't explain it as a "race," though.

That's a criticism I would level at Nintendo in the appropriate thread, but I can't just comment on Mario and Sonic remakes in a thread about Land-a-Panda, right? And to actually answer your question, while it is also cheapening video games, Nintendo and Sega develop and publish games besides those remakes, and a

Well maybe the way Nintendo said it is up for interpretation, but I meant in terms of what is acceptable to call "a game."

I acknowledged they were fun since my original post. They are just cheapened as well.

He's saying there are some nerds who think an easy UI is for retards (in their minds). So obviously he doesn't use the word "retard" towards anyone, he's actually complaining about it. Holding it against him is like beating your son because he said "retard" when reporting to you what a teacher called him ("OMG what