I guess today is Awesome-but-Sad-Trailer Day.
I guess today is Awesome-but-Sad-Trailer Day.
Android mediocracy? Don't you mean they were afraid of the stiff competition from Motorola and HTC on Android?
Welcome to Capcom fighting games. I'm pretty sure difficulty settings don't affect bosses, nor do handicaps linked to the character (like Seth's weak attacks).
The sooner we realize smartphones are the ones that have to go, the better. Obviously if you can't carry a tablet (you're not a student, a businessman or female) then a smartphone becomes the best option, but for me at least, tablets are the superior platform. I wish someone could release a "Shuffle" version of a…
Possibly the worst ad I've ever seen. Jesus Christ.
Amazing. I hope they don't turn it into Dark Zelda, though. Demon's Souls didn't have puzzles, just punishments for your foolishness. That's one addition I don't think the game needs.
@aruetiise: True, but the iPad's hardware is actually a very small part of the equation. The apps are what define it (and that's probably why Google may never be able to match Apple like they did with phones, because Google does not as seem aggressive in courting devs to develop for their tablets).
Oh well, I guess I'll always be at odds with Giz. I believe running and buying a product within its first 6 months is actually the chump thing to do, I've never heard of a late adopter getting screwed over. The iPad took a long time to prove itself to me, and I wouldn't have bought it a day before that.
@laser beams: On the PS1. I won't pretend to know anything about programming, but it is conceivable that some games who worked fine on the PS1 may not work as well on the PS3/PSP. Not to mention that QA then could have been less strict than today, etc.
@pest174: Nice, good luck and have fun!
I'm at least as excited for this as Uncharted 3. Hopefully with the bigger budget (I'm assuming) and less constraints (now that DS is a hit, maybe publishers won't limit the devs like Sony tried to before), it will be even better.
I've always wondered how this stuff isn't obvious to almost everyone. I know it's hard to not complain sometimes, but one would think that we're not average consumers at this point, and we have at least an idea of what goes on behind the scenes.
@laser beams: There's also the technical difficulties in fixing games that could have serious bugs.
I'm surprised at least one Uncharted game isn't on here.
@v12mind: The idea is not to save space, it's to protect the data. Whether your PS3's HDD just fails, you mess up a backup or it gets stolen, at least that will be saved.
@saturns2k: Think about what you just said. People who don't have their lives changed by the iPad like you simply couldn't afford it.
Both the DSi and PSP-3000 should have their prices slashed to $100 and their games should cost no more than $20 (that's for a Pokemon or Monster Hunter, not some 4-hour low budget game).
Well, fuck. The XMB would have been fine for touch controls.
Probably the best thing this man has ever said. Not questioning his genius, but his public statements are usually soaking facepalm-inducing arrogance.
This is so sick. Thanks, Mark and everyone who worked and is still working on this.