
@Odin: Just because phones are more competitive doesn't mean Microsoft has to stay on top forever. If Apple decides they want to take them on they will. This year's Macworld will focus on Enterprise, Microsoft's home turf. The Mac App Store is absolutely a way to draw in developers for Macs, and again, the dev support

@SBP1: Yes, but for a while the iPhone was a pricey gadget, even for smartphones. Apple changed tactics then, nothing says they won't change now. The MBA got a drastic reduction in price with a gain in power, it is possible that this year or next Apple will reduce the normal Macbooks to sub-$800, the Pros to around

@SBP1: When the iPhone first launched it had a small market penetration too. Market share usually comes after developers flock to a platform. If the next "cool" games become available exclusively on the Mac App Store, and the most useful apps are on there at a lower price than everywhere else, it could become a

Microsoft had better strike back, and they'd better strike back soon. I see no reason why a developer would keep risking itself "out there" with piracy and small exposure when they can just put their work on the Mac App Store and actually have a decent shot at making some money. Sure, Mac apps will probably be even

@Tank: And Retina Display, although that's kinda obvious.

@Mandalayon: That's a pretty ridiculous and baseless claim. Not saying you can't be proven right in this case (I can't predict the future), but it's pretty much accepted that at least in Japan the following for both game is almost equally strong and dedicated.

@parrisgg: Pokemon and Monster Hunter are random games now? In Japan, especially? What's going on here in Kotaku tonight?

@mcderek3000: Since when is 300k in Japan "only?"

@GreyCat: Yeah, I'm really curious about that one. Maybe he's thinking of what happened to the Native Americans centuries ago?

Damn, just realized I've had this in my backlog for months and I've barely touched it. I guess I'll have to see if it's this good.

Reached level 3-12 yesterday while stranded at the airport. Game's excellent and it deserves all the success and praise it gets. I'm actually surprised a mobile dev would get all of these things right (gameplay, difficulty, graphics, etc). I know it's a bit of a stretch, but I see it as the Super Mario Bros of mobile

PSP 2 or bust, Sony. They don't even need to mention the PS3 at all.

While I disagree that PSP and mobile devices aren't competing directly (I believe they are, and not just for consumers, but also developers) I do agree that the PSP and the iPhone serve two different purposes as far as games go. Small games like Angry Birds and Cut the Rope would not reach a million sold in years on

@kujel: Maybe some people just don't care about what you think of companies and are just worried about the quality of their games? Crazy I know.

@Agentmage2012: It's possible, but then why did they lie after the fact? I think saying "we wanted to promote competition" would have been a decent excuse, instead of blatantly lying about purposefully releasing the trailer on the same day as Treyarch.

@Omegastrider Has laser eye beams: I think there is an ethical question here, and so obviously it depends on the person. Maybe you, like IW, are just more cut-throat, and maybe I, like Activision (and most likely Treyarch) am more worried about the big picture, i.e. the health of the CoD franchise.

@Omegastrider Has laser eye beams: Come on, not all competition is warranted. Effectively potentially cannibalizing sales (of both products, really) just to make your colleagues look bad is not good competition. And competition does drive quality, but it shouldn't leave the realms of Activision in this case. A MW2