@-MasterDex-: Those are serious accusations though, I wouldn't dismiss them this quickly. Obviously I'm more of an EA fan than Activision, but they must really have substantial proof (like the texts) to make such claims. I guess we'll see.
@-MasterDex-: Those are serious accusations though, I wouldn't dismiss them this quickly. Obviously I'm more of an EA fan than Activision, but they must really have substantial proof (like the texts) to make such claims. I guess we'll see.
@N@tedog: Seconded.
@carolinamarcg: The point is not for each person to go through all the cars, it's for each person to find the 50-100 that they loved before and discover a few dozen more than didn't know about. Besides, the car count was announced a while ago, don't know what you expected.
@Vitamin Awesome: Take a second and think how many games need patches and receive DLC these days.
@mnerd: Unless "all the bread, tortillas, etc" means not that much and keeps your energy intake/expenditure in balance.
@mnerd: Then you'll gain weight, probably even more than if you weren't exercising. Unless "all the bread, tortillas, etc" means not that much and keeps your energy intake/expenditure in balance.
@superapplekid: Yeah there are definitely some full games available for download from PSN, but they're pretty much exceptions to the rule so I didn't even bother mentioning them. For it to work with PS4 it has to be even better than the 360, pretty much like PC.
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: 101 and 103 should have definitely been on there.
Just go with both physical media and the ability to download full games, like the PSP (excluding the Go, obviously) and the 360. Of course, they will have implement it much better than this gen in terms of availability and price-matching.
At this point Sony doesn't need to announce any PS3 exclusive for 2011 and 2012. Just focus on PSP and PSP2 software from now on.
@DeadnBuried: And maybe SE will get around to releasing FF Versus XIII. A busy year indeed.
@Runsapuusa: I think it's the boss battle shown and the ending reminded me of Ravenholm. Plus the boat section (kinda reminded me of Resident Evil 4 as well).
Wow, this might have gotten me more pumped for Resistance 3 than Killzone 3. And I honestly did not enjoy the last one much. I hope this game brings the Resistance franchise back to the levels of Killzone, Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet in terms of quality.
@rjwe87: "Not going out tonight! Gotta work on that alibi for a minute. Every black man needs an alibi..."
I dunno, seems today is Infinity Blade day to me.
@plethoragamer: I think NDA's are extremely important, at least for enticing the early adopter, because unveiling of a product before its time might:
@kingtj: This. My LG is about to hit 3 years, and it's been almost always on, with the PS3 hooked on, in my dorm room. My cousins Vizio lasted just under 6 months before showing burned-in areas, and she definitely didn't use it as often as I did mine.
@plethoragamer: Some gaming rags might have gotten access to it, but are more respectful of their NDA.
@Chrysalis: Oh don't get me wrong, once in a while they do try to turn typically niche franchises into more mainstream ones (RE, DMC, SF, etc) but that usually takes a very long time and these are more exceptions than the rule. At least it seems this way to me.
"Maybe, it's the character design, maybe it's the gameplay, I honestly don't know."