@Mr.Sir: Exactly. But then I know I would get very close to failing all my finals. The best way I find to stay strong is think about holiday deals. Even then it's not easy.
@Mr.Sir: Exactly. But then I know I would get very close to failing all my finals. The best way I find to stay strong is think about holiday deals. Even then it's not easy.
@EnigmaNemesis: Nooo, you're not helping at all... Haha enjoy the game though, man. We've waited a long time for this.
@Mr.Sir: Sigh, you're not alone. Just today I had to resist the temptation to just go to Gamestop and pick up a copy like 13 times.
@GhostRaven: This might be true, but I doubt it applies to the GT franchise. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure GT5 will sell very well everywhere.
Well, crap.
Delay the game to make is as good as possible? People who don't even plan on buying it bitch the most.
@nicklar: I disagree. As long as what he's saying is true (or at least verifiable) and he's releasing documents revealing corruption and lies, he should be allowed to continue. Governments and organizations shouldn't be able to do whatever they want, and if this form of pressure makes them do the right thing then so…
Favreau just keeps going higher on my list of favorite directors.
Let's go!
Gears of War Wars, a brand new console RTS with revolutionary and intuitive controls!
I can think of several factors that could explain this:
True hating man, it's like an art form, you know what I'm saying?
You get what you pay for.
Seems like Rockstar is doing it again. Day 1 for me so far.
The first one is incredible. And please don't tell me "you don't get it" or that it's too obscure. Even a baby would understand the message.
@Mr.Wake: Well I haven't played the other expansions, so I can't compare (although every critic put this one apart compared to other DLC for the game). If you were not sold in the others, I'd say buy this one for sure. Some $60 games have less content than this $10 expansion.
Sounds like Halo/Bungie all over again.
Undead Nightmare of course. Possibly my GoTY 2010.
@Gnarkiller: True. Definitely needs more chainsaw. I mean, the addition of karts, Nascar, a level editor, etc is like nothing.
God, can't wait for Golden Sun.