
When I'm meeting people/going out, usually every day or two. As a person who works from home and has on occasion not ventured forth (except for casual walks) for days at a time, usually every two or three days, but I have gone as long as five (I have to admit, my hair is pretty gross by then).

I also think Tagalongs tasted different than normal (i.e., not as good) the last time I bought them (though for the first time I was in a place that called them Peanut Butter Patties instead, but I think the recipe is supposed to be the same). Plus, they need to go back to the old lemon cookies (chalet cremes were SO

Arithmancy, because even in a world full of magic, I will still be a math nerd.

I read the title as "Vampire Rules" and thought Bravo had made a parody of Real Housewives starring partying/cheating vampires (scanning the sucky friend line may also have contributed to this interpretation)...I was kind of disappointed to find out that wasn't the case.

I quit cigarettes in a rather similar way; I just got tired of smoking (particularly of how bad I felt afterward). The main thing in my case, though (which clearly doesn't work for most people), was that I moved from a town where at least half of the people I hung out with smoked to a town where almost no one smoked.

Well, if you're hoping for true burrito taste/style reminiscent of the Mission...I wouldn't go to Mad Mex. However, if you are looking for tasty food in the shape of a burrito (such as the chickpea chili burrito), I say go for it. Delicious food and margaritas, but not really authentic (though this review is based on

Well, along the lines of soup, but not quite, is this delicious chicken chili:

I find it funny the two soups I make the most (because they're simple, comforting, and delicious) are your 27 and 30. I also love beer cheese soup and baked potato (as long as some idiot hasn't ruined the delicious, delicious taste of potato and beer cheese with the overwhelming taste of bacon...seriously, stop

Well, I use it year round, but now that soup season (aka fall/winter) is upon us, my immersion blender is about to be kicked into high gear. You can pry it from my cold, dead soupy hands. Oh, and my Instant Pot is awesome so far (need to try more recipes out using it).

The Dark is Rising movie was such a disappointment. I love the books (still!) and would love to seem them properly adapted.

Or scrapping off the mayo (I hate mayo so much, but even when I ask for no mayo, I often get it).

Oh, perfect timing! I can share the dream I had last night about Cumberbatch that I was oh so very sad to wake up from (sadly, no sexy times). Sorry, it's a bit long, but I really want to share this.

Not sure what my mom's choice for me would have been if I was a boy (I think she might have mentioned Jake and John at one point), but as a twin, she was toying with the idea of rhyming names for my sister and me instead of names that started with the same first letter (which I'm glad she didn't do). Nothing wrong

I have no suggestions for the Diva Cup (no experience, sorry), but for wines I would suggest looking at the rose section (they tend to be sweeter). Nothing specific for sweet wines (I tend to stay away from those), but if you want tart/refreshing wines similar to lemonade (sort of) I would recommend vinho verdes (they

I seriously cut down on my speed of eating after I nearly choked to death (really) on a mozzarella stick I was eating too fast. I definitely enjoy eating slower more, despite the teasing I get for always being so slow.

The ones I always think of are the disaster movies (asteroids: Deep Impact and Armageddon, volcanoes: Volcano and Dante's Peak).

Catholics don't go on Saturday AND Sunday, they go on Saturday OR Sunday. I actually appreciate that now, because I didn't realize a lot of other denominations don't seem to have non-Sunday morning services until recently (if my mom was dragging me to church anyway, I'd rather go 5 pm Saturday or 6 pm Sunday than

More nougat for me!!! My office stocks mini candy bars, and 3 musketeers is my nemesis (delicious, delicious nemesis). Also, you can keep your disgusting white chocolate (white chocolate is the mayonnaise of the candy world, keep it far away from whatever I'm eating).