Slob Zombie

…was that a euphemism?

59 1/2 Shades of Grey: Safest Last Words.

Springsteen's observations are just dead-fucking-on. That man truly loves him some record store culture. (That's "wrecka stowa culcha", for you young 'uns. Now, get off my lawn. )

Flip Your Merkin.

This means that Felder gets the last word. Bummer.

4:20 hack nerds baked in a pi.

No pee in POTUS.

So…it just occurred to me that the Xandarian military emblem, seen on the chest plate, resembles a water molecule. This might explain the interlocking defensive pattern the ships take in the film…They become a giant wave of "metal water".

Das Tinder uber alles.

One of my favourite issues was the one that focused on OC and Stiggs. The movie was a disaster but the original printed material was inspired.

If Kandarian possession explains Nugent's behaviour over the last few forevers…that would satisfy me.

By the episode's end, Pablo's picked up a dark blue jacket, more in line with Ash and Kelly's deep tones. . Our li'l Pablo's growin' up.

"Code Red" woulda worked, too.

Or an ad for Hawaiian Night at some dreadful franchise eatery.

We built this?…shitty.

I calls 'em "feets".

I believe that line worked better coming from Hugh Hefner. Or something.

The tip of the hat to Age of Ultron felt forced, but no less enjoyable.

As they did, again, tonight. You're right. It was fuckingly nifty.