Slob Zombie

Milk lacks the necessary grit. It's just not a thing.

Whiskey, weed and a pack of Winston's a day?

One more deep mystery is needing a solution:

I've always found them hypnotizing. Don't know why.

IMAX that sumnbitch.

Lynch has said that he'd like the series to be watched as one long-arsed film. Is it too much to hope for a Criterion Edition of that? Hell, I'd watch two hours of Lynch's highway driving at night POV,

“Mr. Bolling recalls no such inappropriate communications, does not believe he sent any such communications, and will vigorously pursue his legal remedies for any false and defamatory accusations that are made.”

V-ger, if you're nasty.

This is the second time Twin Peaks has provided a clear demarcation point in the history of television.

…a 1,272 page "brief".

This is the film that finally ties the Fast & the Furious into the Infinity War saga.

There you are.

This series was, very likely, the last time What a Wonderful World was used without irony. That lovely shot of Ford and Arthur walking away…

Isn't Kushner meant to be sorting this out?

All of the ratings times a bajillion, according to sources.

Revised: I think it's flawless.

It's flawless. A film that contains a puke-baked rug and it's flawless. Also, Grace Zabtriskie scares the everlovin' shite out of me.

In my mind, he absolutely did.

…the anonynmous student that breakdances his way out of the school corridor, in the pilot…

The pilot is a marathon of grown men weeping. Still an unrivalled effort.