
How many times has this rapper said the n word? whats that you say "it's all about context?" EXACTLY

good lord, so much hate for a comic book movie. Molch -esue? Give me a break!

Bc if someone doesnt like Watchmen, it's a pretty good bet they are not going to like any Snyder movies. Thus they have a ingrained bias going in

My comment was "dumb" bc I correctly pointed out that Superman always kills Zod and that lots of people liked Watchmen? I see, carry on then

So much nerd venom

Yet the movie was still a success

oh no someone CONTRADICTING a critic??? How dare they

"Irrelevant" to you. Lots of people liked Watchmen

"The Directors cut" lol. Zod died. Zod always dies. So what? he was killed to save the human race. Pretty good reason

As soon as this guy said he didnt like Watchmen i knew this review would be biased as hell. Yeah Superman killed Zod he ALWAYS does. He did it in Donners movie too. Deal with it