
You are a major villain in my heart, Narwhal.

I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations for legal purposes.

I've recently installed a rather nifty targeting system.

Ooh, scientific explanation! I approve whole-heartedly and fully share your fondness for that completely random and not-at-all relevant time :).

I said NOT a euphemism, you crafty jack-rabbit.

*tosses Narwhal a flashlight so he can find his way back*

Splendid! Let the hair ruffling commence.

Darn right you are.

As always, you are so handsome when you're bossy.

Oh don't be silly - I'll send you a free copy.

*ruffles hair in a holiday-like manner*

Shinigami, if you ever decide to order a 7 and 7, I will completely support your decision :).

Are snowmen cold or hot?

I totally hummed along to this. Merry Disqus to you, Eric! I hope it gives you the gift of even more double-Liking abilities this year.

Heck if I know. I was wishing you a Merry Happy and then these shenanigans of a red-turning nature ensued.

They shoot blanks.

The ones in my artillery explode in the literal sense, not the scandalous one, silly.

As if you could ever flatten me. I'm a vampire-robot, dude; I would simply use rocket launchers to lift you up.

You flatter me.

*taps mic*