
He dindu rape a yt woman.

muh opprushun

What’s wrong with his material? I love laughing at hoaxes.

What’s wrong with his material? I love laughing at hoaxes.


Hmm, who runs Hollywood? Trying really hard to think here...

Where’s Rooney? All I see is John C. Reilly. 

Boo! Pun-based humor is the worst kind of humor.

He dindu nuffin wrong. Maher’s just kicking-off his burgeoning career as a rapper, yo. 

Bawtobangdabangdadangditti, diggibidabangdaupchuckdaboogi!

No, he very much is a real Hungarian-born Jew underwriting Deray McKessen’s activities and advocating for the further Islamic-ization of Europe.

He’s like a 4-D Chessmaster. Jose even shook Wenger’s hand too after his loss to sell it.


Let’s do this.

lol, “LaDarrius” -fucking retarded name befitting a neanderthal.


They’re not bringing their best. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. Some, I assume, are good utility mid-fielders.

Niggers gonna nig.