
Fox News is exactly like Donald Trump.

You read my fucking mind. The Orioles didn’t start this shit, didn’t continue this shit, but they may have to be the ones who end it.


This budget passed, Rickett’s budget failed, Lincoln just elected a majority Democrat and majority women/minority city council. It was a good day.

The budget was also seen as a victory for Democrats because it lacked nearly every cut Trump wanted to make—including the ones to Planned Parenthood, the NEA and Public Radio/Television. It’s a pretty sweet win for a supposedly weak and out of touch Party.

Become a scientist, they said. It’s a career of quiet dignity, they said.

Well, an Orbach definitely knows how hard it is to pull off Dirty Dancing.

Susan Sarandon is a BernieBot who was and remains comfortable not voting for Hillary because as a rich white famous person, none of this affects her in the slightest. Fuck her.


Every time someone mentions Hillary, I remember when I used to have such hope. And then I die a little inside.

This administration is just one giant clusterfuck. This article from Vanity Fair provides a very thorough description of how dysfunctional the administration is:

Evil racist elf fucker.

If Jeff Session prosecutes somebody for laughing at him, I should be on death row.

Hillary: I take full responsibility for the mistakes my campaign made. Also, there were external forces that shifted the final vote.

This is all I can say right now:

To be fair, that guy was no angel. I heard he smoked pot once.

Even then, there are some that would be like, “just because he was lynched and is black, doesn’t mean he was lynched because he’s black. I don’t even see color so I didn’t realize it was a black man until you pointed it out”

Fun fact of the day: the Boston Red Sox were the last pre-expansion franchise to integrate their team with a person of color (Pumpsie Green). Does that make the town or the team irredeemably racist? PROBABLY NOT. Is it another thread of evidence in a tapestry of shit that suggests that maybe this town has a

Is this not the typical white guy reaction though? In general white people cant accept that racism is real until they see somebody hang a black person with their own eyes.