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Taboo was AMAZING !!

Continuing my current obsession with the amazing series Versailles -on Ovation Network and also available to stream on Amazon. Lush, historically accurate drama beautifully acted. It's also sexy as hell and hot hot . Totally worth it for he sparks between Phillip D'orleans and his lover the Chavalier deLorraine.

Let's start a push for a 2nd Season On Netflix…..

Torchwood when they killed off Ianto Jones -I still think back on that loss it was the end of "Janto ….

YES-This is one the highlights of ALL American TV :

We're resisting the urge to just keep living in this amazing world and
rationing the episodes. It's so good that you want to binge watch but also want to
stop and savor each part and think about and let it work it's magic over a matter of
hours,I can't speak more highly of something than to say that ,I don't want to

Is the world ready for a remake of David Kronenberg's DEAD RINGERS -Twin Gynecologist with the Treadway brothers ?

Plot and pacing be damned -I can honestly watch Penny Dreadful with the sound off and
just revel in the lush visuals and textures. Eva Green's piercing side eye
alone is enough to make this Series a hit. and don't get me started on Josh
Hartnett's beefy backside -that alone is worth the price of admission.

To be touched by the "back hand of God" -that is obviously part of the master plan -besides who wants a life of all chipped ice ,cherry phosphates and the boys coming over to deccorate the tree….
Hands down one of the most gripping series ever on TV,can't wait for Second season.

DEF best pick up line of the week (so far….) when Sammy saddles up at the wedding festivities to him of the dark smoldering eyes and dark glossy beard from the Stag-Party-Steam Room and questions his connections to the whole affair " just wanna make sure we're not related…." ( his sister did warn him early on "to

Penny Dreadful continues to shock bewilder satisfy and amaze. Leave it to
Vanessa Ives ( or one of her inner demons) to ask Chandler the question we've
all had for weeks -when he bedded the lovely Mr gray -who did what and to whom ?
Well now that's settled ( and he DID enjoy it ….) We move on to the deepest