Slippin' Joey

She is powerful and very intelligent. Some people are not so shallow and find that attractive.

People just want a reason to complain. We're 2 episodes in this season and people are bitching about not giving us enough answers.

This had to be the worst episode of the season. That scene with Fet blowing up a building with everyone in it was just dumb. Luckily, it left a convenient rock pile so The Master could just walk free. Why would they not prepare a little more after finding out it's the nesting place. How do they get paid to write this

That impersonation is spot on!

So, we have a 'Scream' TV show, which did have Emma Roberts in the last one and 'Scream Queens' starring Emma Roberts. It's getting hard keeping track of all these horrible shows!

I think everyone forgot, because all of the trees have miraculously grown back, is that a Nuke was detonated a few days ago! I guess the writers missed that episode