
He unquestionably understood and actively participated in what was happening, based on her story.

She makes it pretty clear he was too drunk to consent.

Second, nothing that she describes sounds like rape. Having sex with someone who is drunk is not always rape. Having sex with someone who is too drunk to consent is rape.

I did read it. Did you? I'm not so sure you did.

Is it still considered getting head if the guy falls asleep every three seconds and moves his tongue like an elderly person eating their last oatmeal? Chelsea? Is it? Yes? It is.

Now, imagine a drunk girl calling a sober guy over at 8am for a "booty call" and the girl is so drunk she passes out during the act.

Great. A rape apologist.

You wrote several paragraphs bitching over what a complete stranger chose to name his/her child 50 years ago and you think I'm the uptight one?

Your type amuses me.

A bit self-involved, aren't ya?


She gave a speech in which she described forcing herself on a guy who was too drunk to know what was happening. She also mocked him for comedic effect.

But hypocritical, coming from Schumer.

Odd that nobody responded to this, and nobody has recommended.

Whatever, racist.

That's pretty stupid. People are attracted to what they're attracted to.

If there's one woman who should be hailed as the voice of American women, it's the insanely wealthy 24 year old Ivy League celebrity from England.

She's from the Phillipines, so it's unlikely her parents mind immediately went to Nabokov when considering the name.