
I had no idea Sensational Sherri had a law degree and became a judge.

Yeah, very weird that no one putting these stories out on this platform mentions their sources. When Weinstein etc. were going down, all the accusers and people involved were mentioned by name.

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Following a lot of comic stuff, I basically saw it start to unfold and then it blew up with “OMFG HE’S DELETING THEM!!!111!!!! CALL THE FBI!!!!” and all that. Honestly doing that may have made it worse because then the people going at him really smelled blood in the water.

(I’d read several times from other commenter’s that the tweets had been deleted, but here’s a citation from an asshole. Deleted tweets are apparently recoverable by the poster from twitter, by some 3rd party software, and there are websites that cache internet pages. )

Three game suspension.

Well, the thing is, he expressly denies he ever molested a child and took a guilty plea because his lawyer convinced him/his family that it would be the best thing to do. Which is not an uncommon situation. So really, nobody commenting actually knows what he did or didn’t do.

TBF, Andre didn’t become a good guy just because he got kicked. The kick knocked him backwards for his patented “help I’m on my ass with my arms tied up in the ropes and I can’t get up” spot. Then Haku got pinned without Andre being able to break it up.

Look, please Google the Tweeden photos, see for yourself when she was foceably kissing boy soldiers, and humping on-stage talent (Robin Williams, for instance, against everybody’s wishes and with no consent, during the same USO shows the chest-grabbing photo was taken. The photographer asserts it was staged, this

A little Shake ‘N Neiiiiiigh-ake.

The lack of easily accessable gifs and videos in the mid 2000's really shortchanged the Royals of that era as the undisputed kings of bloopers and buffoonery. I mean, the CF here had a ball go through his legs. It happens. At least he didn’t leap up the wall to try a HR robbing catch only for the ball to bounce 5 feet

Fully agree. An abuser killing their child as a “fuck you, you can’t have him either” to the other parent is infinitely more common than an abused party killing their child to ‘protect’ them from an abuser. In fact off the top of my head I couldn’t even name a case where the latter scenario occurred.

No, they’re just the group encouraging them to get shot, including outright lying and telling them to continue advancing forward because the Israeli soldiers had abandoned their posts.

Asking for the music to be stopped on your behalf may make you a self-centered person, perhaps a bit of a dick, but whatever. If you’re comfortable making that kind of minor scene in a public place, knock yourself out.

This is fucked up. I can see high school kids shitting on another school’s field, but some dude in his 40s? I mean, come on. Go shit on your ex’s lawn, or the lawn of the guy she left you for, like a grown ass man.

Half the food gadget infomercials seem to be hosted by that dude Joe Fowler (who was a WWE announcer for 5 minutes in the early 1990s if you’re ever playing random trivia about infomercial hosts). And every product talks about how it promotes healthy eating. But in every new infomercial, Joe looks fatter than he did

The #AMJoy hashtag is just filled with people wrapping their arms around her and praising her brave ‘apology’. At some point people might start to wonder, when someone keeps getting welcomed back into the fold, if the fold actually cares about certain things to the level it likes to pretend it does.

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On a different note, I’m surprised I haven’t seen people bring up the hypocrisy of Cosby