
According to at least one report, the interview was cancelled. Then it was later rescheduled. So the headline that it was cancelled would be accurate.

It’s a case about a serial killer/rapist. It wasn’t sitting on a shelf forgotten until a book reminded the police that “oh yeah, we never did solve that”.

They’ve had the killer’s DNA all along. It was likely just a waiting game until they were able to track him down through familial matches. I’m sure it’s a wonderful book but it would not have contributed anything to that process.

The tone here doesn’t seem very celebratory about Megyn overcoming the wage gap as well as she has. Suck it, Roker!

When discussing Roman Polanski’s 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl, Quentin Tarantino said, “She wanted to have it and dated the guy... Look, she was down with this.”

Does he ever accidentally call Michelle Beadle or Jalen Rose “Mike,” even though they are definitely not Mikes, in name or spirit?

One of the most interesting Andre stories I remember hearing (shame it wasn’t in this) was Vince McMahon talking about the anesthesiologist freaking out before Andre’s back surgery because they didn’t know how much to give him. Not enough and he wakes up with his back opened up, too much and they could kill him.

I’ve heard Mandy Patinkin talk about Andre, he raved about him. Maybe he just couldn’t be part of it for whatever reason. Or they didn’t use his stuff.

Sadly it’s been reported that the kid who won the tag titles, back when he was 3, posted the lyrics to Gold Digger on his twitter and kept the n-words in.

Think he had a knee replacement a while back, the swelling can last a long ass time. Like years.

Duke fans complaining about the refs is the best thing ever. Seriously, stop what you’re doing right now and dive into Duke Twitter to see these people.

The ol’ Larry Brown two-step.

Man, I’m out for blood today..too many of you keyboard warriors have tried to insult me and some real good posters with “attacks” and “insults” in this thread. Keep coming, and I’ll keep smacking you guys down like the little annoying flies you dickheads are acting like. Metaphorically, of course. I have no

Kansas State made the sweet 16 by beating a 16 seed and an 8 seed. They’re a defacto 1 seed now.

increasingly under bad-faith attacks from opportunists who sought to paint ESPN as too liberal

...then the Broncos should be feeling pretty good about the signing.


It actually aired on the Fox network, not Fox News.

Braun was a completely nobody who people had never heard of before, not a mainstream name who should generate a lot of interest with her first match which is why you don’t waste it on TV in meaningless fashion for free.

They could’ve had Triple H and Steph appear genuinely excited about signing Rousey, the ceremony goes without a hitch, and then spend a few weeks with them getting “payback” by booking Rousey in nothing matches against jobbers.