You accused the letter #1 guy of being responsible because he lied to his GF. Except he clearly said “I initially tried to explain that I had difficulty achieving orgasm but it didn’t seem to register with her”.
You accused the letter #1 guy of being responsible because he lied to his GF. Except he clearly said “I initially tried to explain that I had difficulty achieving orgasm but it didn’t seem to register with her”.
Men On A Mission: 2018
I like Rollins making Cena’s finisher look more devistating than Cena’s ever made it look in 10+ years.
As Much as I like Jim Cornette, he had a blind spot for what a racist and homophobic shit head Watts was.
“Stop making fun of my name”?
I remember seeing him on Law and Order (maybe SVU?) and his character’s name was Querns. And I was like “OMG did they bring back Querns from Oz like they did Munch from Homicide? Is he a warden in NYC somewhere?”
I get it from the overall picture of the witness making the specific points that Vince was a gentleman, he showed no sign of coming onto the girl, and “I was talking to him. She was trying to interrupt our conversation.” (I would take her saying “trying” rather than “tried” to suggest it happened more than once, but…
I did not get that vibe from the quotes from the other customer at all.
It could be explained lots of ways. I wasn’t bringing it up to suggest Vince’s innocence, but to point out how easily it was glossed over.
nobody said this was Vince using his power and influence. Is it coming off that way to a lot of people? Sure.
they weren’t face to face for long at all.
the tanning booth attendant being unable to pick McMahon out of a photo lineup
Isn’t this exactly what Scorsese, Meryl Streep, and everyone else who stood and applauded Polanski’s Oscar win that same year said through their actions?
Babies get them in the womb too. Strange that this isn’t more commonly known as it would lead to a pretty great burn. “Hey, you know what we have in common? We’ve both had boners inside your mom.”
That awkard feeling when you’ve been watching too much Nitro on the WWE Network and immediately recognize that Ronda was wearing Roddy Piper’s leather jacket.
The fact is that Woody Allen was investigated by two separate law enforcement agencies and exonerated
Vince is full of shit when he says “no one with any sort of criminal history will be allowed” when he in fact openly employs wrestlers all with criminal histories
It’s too late for this guy, but just some advice in general: if you’re ever going to deny that you were inappropriately showing people your dick, don’t have Ric Flair as your profile pic.
Revive Quantum Leap or burn in the fire of a thousand hells.
Here’s an article (one of many) that completely blows that Weide piece to bits.