What’s with all this negativity towards Woody? Sad!
What’s with all this negativity towards Woody? Sad!
Jealous over all the attention Tonya is getting, Nancy is currently shouting “WHY *NOT* ME??” while rocking back and forth on the floor.
Billy Ray Cyrus totally non-plussed at the end there.
A well-known writer who is from my area but doesn’t cover the area’s teams wrote a similar column once. Our team had one of those Week 17 scenarios of needing to win and like 2 other teams to lose and somehow it happened and we got in.
You could write a book on the weird trials and tribulations of the Haleys.
I mean, he did just break a 20 year playoff drought. That should count for something.
Awkward PDA at family gatherings, how about your drunk mom slipping you the tongue under the mistletoe at a holiday party like happened once to me uh I mean to a friend I’m asking for a friend.
The premise that he’s been building to a pro-GOP product. When a random one-off segment like the Steiner thing is being cited, the period where they essentially had a pro-Trump heel in a top program should be worthy of a mention.
I take it the Jack Swagger / Zeb Coulter gimmick as pro-America anti-immigration bad guys fighting a Mexican babyface had to be ignored because it didn’t fit the premise?
The guy signed his letter Lost in South Florida, LiSF was just short-handing it.
I know/knew a couple very similar to the one described here. Normal suburbanish family where the mom started doing porn. I have no idea what effect it had on their marriage but they had a few kids (two boys among them) and holy fucking shit are those boys messed up now.
BTW - no comment on Mia fucking Frank while in a relationship with Woody
Vince should walk out to a podium, calmly provide a simple and easy to understand statement of what defines a catch, and then throw out as an aside that his new league is starting on such and such a date.
The all-skycam broadcasts pushed Vince too far.
Maybe consider that Al Franken admitted he was guilty
I realize this walks right into a “she looks like a man” response, but I thought it was commonly accepted that Steve Lombardi (the guy being accused) was gay.
Isn’t he also kind of a nut, who says the ghosts of the people he works on go around breaking his dishwasher and other wacky shit?
He is in the cruiserweight division, but he is not the cruiserweight champion.
That argument doesn’t hold up. First, I knew a few people in that industry and they were pretty businesslike about such things.