
Just in case this wasn’t a joke going way over my head, Justin Houston was the KC player who scored the TD.

The 3% thing comes from a self-serving statement the NFL put out on Tuesday, claiming the Week 3 games for 2017 were 3% up from last year.

I commented elsewhere, but overall ratings are up 3% this season compared to last.

and it’s a proven lie because the “Monday Night Football” NFL game had higher ratings than it has in the past. He is actually standing in front of the world and lying about ratings being low. Ratings have gone up because of all this.

The impact from his elbow drop was absorbed by his hip, and the impact from his axhandle to the floor was taken by his knees. Not surprisingly, his legs ended up in awful shape and eventually he couldn’t take the impact anymore. In 1999 he actually did injure someone, then-WCW and current-WWE referee Charles Robinson.

Is it for sure that not helping him up is what got the penalty? Because the flag doesn’t come out until Miller appears to say something.

Hot damn, he lands on that guy like he just did a cross body off the top rope.

Bobby: Jannetty tried to dive through the window to escape!

Alex Smith now has 42 and 41 point games against Belichick, which are the highest and second-highest scoring games ever against Belichick coached teams.

I’m pretty sure it was in an AP article quoting him (the lawyer), but now that I look for it that portion of his remarks now seems to be removed in all the versions I can find. There are various tweets and stuff mentioning it, but all from “Bennett is lying” type accounts except this one from someone at what seems to

Because he’s a big “scary” black man. There is no other explanation for it.

Kudos to Elway.

Jason Jordan being chosen over Chad Gable to be Kurt Angle’s kayfabe illegitimate son was apparently a “joking” reference to Angle’s history of (gasp!) dating black women. Vince is such a racist prick.

Double Switch was rereleased in the last year by the same guy/company that did Night Trap, but only for mobile so far. Emulates fine on PC with Andy, though.

And of course there’s the fact that you have to spectate a match for up to twenty minutes after you die.

The Dominican Republic’s dark history of PED abuse has to make you question Adrian Beltre’s career.

When Ronda was invincible it wasn’t believable that Charlotte or anyone could compete with her. Having her kill Stephanie was an ideal way to use her back then.

Jerry’s police sergeant girlfriend makes him submit to a polygraph test to prove that he watches Melrose Place.(...) Ironically, in 2012, she married Melrose Place star Grant Show.

Alec Berg, who co-wrote this episode, asked the actress to the Oscars as his date, only to find out when he picked her up that she already had a boyfriend.