
The most important part of this story: Police BELIEVED him until they saw cell phone video that contradicted it. He (and the cops) knew all he had to say was “i was afraid for my life!” and he would walk. How different would things have gone with George Zimmerman if only one of those houses had a security camera...

This very unfortunate shooting is pretty much what many of us who want more gun control have been saying in response to “well if the teacher/fireman/bystander/shopper had been armed...”.

Becky does have a lot of nerve. This incident is similar to the report of the white woman who called the cops because two Native Americans visiting Colorado State did not give her their names or “adequately” describe their educational plans. When difference makes Becky nervous she requires POC to do the work of

Imagine if someone had died over that shit. In this type of case, it’s a very real possibility. How can people think so little of other’s lives to risk them over petty evil?

So she’s saying she would have let a group of people rob her neighbor if they’d waved to her?

I know there’s not going to be LEGAL repurcussions for attempted murder with the police, but what about social repurcussions? It seems like the people reporting obviously innocent POCs never, ever get named in the news articles about them. Sometimes there’s even quotes by them but never their names. Some instances are

My point is that someone needs to charge her with it.

it’s not confusing if you have entitled white person syndrome.

Wypipo get pressed when they see Black people going about their business without paying wypipo any mind. Didn’t wave? What kind of bullshit reason is that to call the cops? No one is obligated to say boo.

Looks out window, see some black folks smiling....realizes her empty life is shit, and her cheating hubby’s’ money isn’t doing the job, also, out of kale chips, kids hiding in bedroom on sleep number beds, watching Netflix and chillin...

That woman needs to be sued. She materially endangered the lives of three people because they didn’t wave at her.

They’re going to take the white person’s side anyway and then arrest you for bullshit. Cops are always dangerous.

...WHO WAVES!?! For fuck’s sake. In my experience White Americans are the SURLIEST group of humans in social environments. We don’t want anyone to make eye contact with us; we don’t want anyone to talk to us; we just want to get our business done and get back home to watch reruns of NCIS and Two and a Half Men.

Because they didn’t wave to her.....

There is no right answer. Don’t wave and you’re unfriendly, probably criminal. Wave? Gang signals! Call the cops!

White people are calling the police when they are simply annoyed with a person of color. Need to start suing these annoyed white people and give them something to really be annoyed with! When their bullshit antics begins to impact their bank account perhaps they will decide to be less annoyed and mind their own damn

New law (apparently): Wave at the wypipo to keep them from thinking you’re a criminal. But then don’t wave too fast because ‘afeared for my life syndrome” will get you shot.

Babygirl needs therapy, and maybe even a charge for “nuisance” and “creating an unnecessary disturbance”, or whatever they call it in that jurisdiction.

Oof. I don’t even know where to start with this one. Like....Airbnb? You don’t know that’s a thing? Even a curmudgeon like me, who shirks the insta and the snaps and whatever else the kids are into these days knows what airbnb is. They didn’t wave? I mean, c’mon.

JFC you know the Becky that called the cops is super smug about her fear being legit. Detaining them for a felony that never happened!