
I’m with you! Biden destroyed a whole generation of Black people and it may take another generation to recover yet you have black pundits, commentators etc almost celebrating his frontrunner status. Why do we continue to forgive and reward those who do us harm? I just don’t get that kind of politics.

I couldn’t even fucking listen to the whole thing it pissed me off so fucking bad. The second Rep. Clyburn said that a candidate had to explain to people what their candidacy means to people, knowing that he endorsed the fucking empty suit that is Joe “I’m trying to ride Obama’s coattails but haven’t offered you jack

Exactly! If people want something and the system that’s supposed to represent them isn’t giving it to them, how is it the fault of the person who keeps trying yet failing and not the system that refuses to do what the fuck it’s supposed to do?

Republicans call ALL Democrats socialist. They called Obama a socialist, they called the Clintons socialist. It literally is their go-to word. The idea that we should give a fuck what Dolt 45 is going to call us is asinine. It is a recipe for failure. (Again.)


I’m not seeing that so much this time around. I think its because a lot of the Sanders’ supports are actual progressive democrats and not anti-Hilary votes as last time. 

It pretty much is though...people are out here chanting “We know Joe.” Like, yeah you heard his name before, sure, but what’s his platform? Joe has nothing to offer.

Given the crop of Democratic options, I think “The Devil You Know” should be Biden’s campaign slogan.  

And what are you saying to the Black people who think that the southern Black vote is fucking the rest of over? Again.

Biden 2nd really??? HE WROTE THE ‘94 CRIME BILL!!! Warren eh. But are you a journalist? Because it’s easy to find all the legislation of Senator Bernie Sanders that cover so much more than Medicare For All & affordable Prescription Drugs and help all Raise the Wage Act, Social Security Expansion Act...

This may be the most misleading trash piece of journalism I've read in a minute. Biden championed legislation that dismantled communities of color. He laid the groundwork for Bloomberg's stop and frisk...and you listed him as second. Just wow.

Funny because it reads as the exact opposite. Rating 3 for intentionality on a candidate who marched with Dr. King and was getting arrested for civil rights before you were born is just beyond silly.

Don’t forget, though, that *nothing* will happen domestically if Moscow Mitch is still in control of the Senate. Nothing.

I’ll acknowledge Buttegiege’s plan is good on paper, but your neutral score on his History feels very generous given his record as mayor firing the black chief of police who was trying to root out white supremacy and the anger his own black constituents have directed at him.

“Warren just has her shit more together than anyone else.” And it’s not even close! That spat with Sanders over sexism (can a woman get elected..) must have hurt her a bit. Her answer on moving the US embassy back to Tel Aviv was disappointing, but I remain a staunch supporter.

Nah... we like Warren too, and wish her well.  Its not the Bernie supporters hating on Warren its actually the other way around... case in point. 


I’ll be first to tell you as a Bernie supporter that I’m perfectly fine with a Warren presidency and will vote for her without much reservation BUT regarding that 4th point I highly suggest you read Native American activist Rebecca Nagle’s articles and threads on the “kerfuffle” Warren caused with her ancestry test. I

I dunno if I count as a Berner, but I’m voting for him. But I also really like Warren, & I’ll be very happy if she gets the nomination. (As another commenter pointed out, their platforms are *really* close to the same thing; I mostly just give Sanders the edge because I wanna tear down the two-party system & he’s not a