
No matter what you call it liberal or progressive, the best candidate for issues concerning black people is Sanders. The Democratic establishment has no interest in actual legislation that would help marginalized communities.

Are you saying that because Sanders won’t play the disingenuous and insulting courting black folx game we should not consider him? Would we be okay if he spent more time eating fried chicken with so called black political leaders? Because that is the extent of the democratic establishment's playbook when it comes to

Absolutely correct. All of this righteous indignation re the clueless white liberals is the same ole shade the wypipo noise.

there is some truth to what you say here. some of what is considered trans-activism is white supremacy and patriarchy in a skirt. real talk.. there are some very horrible things happening to trans folx AND some trans folx are calling bullying and unhealthy entitlement  activism.

biden is bush-lite. i hope he sits down soon

all of these examples are accurate except kamala harris. the others are prior bad acts of a spouse or family member.  harris actually did the things being reported.