
YES! I came already.

That was lovely. thanks.

Did you hear about the Mexican student who refused to go back to school (his family agreed with him) because the tracking chips are a satanic conspiracy?

The annual this-is-why-I-am-the-editor post. To borrow a popular expression, this is shamazeballs!!

I agree, but for your choice of trainwreck. My fav TC crash 'n' burn joint is minority report.

Very astute observation. Its also ironic that the middle class protests including the earlier anti-corruption one are ideologically backed by a conspiracy theory of Sonia Gandhi being a dictator by proxy, a 'foreign hand' in the domestic game. So she can't really say 'WE' without some hecklers shouting about Russian

That image is the from one of the 'viral' molestation videos. The article provides the context in the first 2 paragraphs.

Only by putting women on a pedestal can we claim they are free of sexual desire of their own. SOP in any feudal society. This serves as an ideological reinforcement of women's position in the home. Her contribution to the family is being devout to her husband, her elders in the new family and the family god/guru.

Fuckin amazin. And I believe the chick in the second lane is from streets of rage.

That is atrocious. I retched.

You are missing out on the greatest SF/monster B movie smash up.


I adore your handle and your comment is excellent too, specially wrt cops. Gun nuts forget that for McVeigh, the state had already overstepped its mandate by arming cops with tanks and helicopters and SWAT teams once the War on Drugs got going. Today's NRA would rather just appeal to our fear of the 'other', in the

Thank you for further illustration of the moral universe in LOTR. That message of power and corruption is timeless. I don't know why you would consider Tolkien's genius to be limited to his century.

The comments make it quite clear that its reason for success was the same reason the author wrote it - to escape from the reality of the interregnum between the wars. The movies retold this simplistic fantasy of good and evil post 9-11.

thanks for this info.

Don't mock my satellite based gods.

I see what you did there.

I have a screw loose which needs fixing.

Not to be pedantic, but that is the issue as Charles Stross pointed out. We have unoccupied surface on this planet comparable to the moon (deserts, tundras, deep sea, etc) which we haven't attempted 'colonizing'.