Slint Eastwood

I read (half of) that book, and all it had me thinking was "Christ, this is the worst fucking book ever".

Knowing Hollywood, the entire supporting cast will be played by James Hong.

What's the bet they cast a bunch of white people in the Robotech movie and all the Zentraedi actors out there get shafted?

If people don't get Heinlein's intent, it's his fault for being such a shitty writer.

Yeah but what if the guitar was strumming itself. Spooky!

You might hear a difference, but only if the records have been mixed/mastered differently to the CD version. The difference in bit depth and sampling rate won't affect your listening experience, except maybe if you have super hearing and are planning to blast those records in an anechoic chamber.

HDTracks is full of shit. The additional frequencies you can reproduce by sampling at 96kHz are outside the range of human hearing. 24 bit sampling technically gives you a lower noise floor, but since the noise floor at 16 bit is already way below the background noise level of any realistic listening environment,

He must've been even higher than usual when he picked that track list. How in the fuck did La La make the cut and La La La didn't?

Not prestige my ass!

Fuck it, I'm pitching a prestige film about that experiment where a gorilla runs through a basketball game.

If someone wants to make a movie with an 'earnest, grounded perspective', then they should make a movie about regular humans, not magic fire men and invisible women from a 60s children's comic. There's just no damn reason at all to make a movie with these particular characters with their goofy magic powers unless the

Ooh, speaking of overrated horseshit, don't get me started on V for Vendetta …

Eh. It's not terrible, but it's also not nearly as fun as a movie about dudes with laser eyes and claw hands should be. It was less boring than his fucking abysmal Superman movie, at least.

Last Stand is underrated. I mean, it's shit, but so is the first one, and the rest of those films are pretty mediocre too. Bryan Singer just isn't a very good director.

You know who else is 'part Indian'? Johnny Depp.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing you to be his webmaster.

Judging by his waistline a few years ago, he must've been high on whatever chemicals they put in Doritos.

AVC: Mr Manson? Mr Manson, where are …

I can't believe you didn't ask him what it was like being in The Wonder Years.

"Barsanti's joke is handsome and beautifully designed" - Leonard Pierce, three months ago.