Slint Eastwood

In a perfectly Lynchian twist, MacLachlan will be starring as the Log Lady.

Yes, THIS Christ!

Christ, yes, this.

It was definitely intentional that the lead looked so Aryan, to go with the SS uniforms and the shots cribbed from Leni Riefenstahl. That film has a great DVD commentary, with Verhoeven explaining all this and yelling at the critics who accused him of fascism. Unlike with Showgirls, it helped that both director and

He should've called it "Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 1".

Wow, internet, this actually is a great job! Pat on the head for you!

In the recent interview, Jay said he helped Adnan "Because at the time I was convinced that I would be going to jail for a long time if he turned me in for drug dealing." So the way he tells it, Adnan was threatening to rat him out.

Christ on a bike. Yes, the least we can expect of the key witness in a murder trial is that their testimony fits the facts of the case. This is not what Jay's testimony. Even with all the coaching in the world, the best story he could make up still contradicted the cell phone records throughout the day. Here I was

I'm pretty sure that Presidents song actually is about tinned peaches, though. If it's not, that "peaches come from a can / they were put there by a man / in a factory downtown" bit is some grotesque body horror shit.

The lying liar who we know has lied his ass off about pretty much everything that happened that day is a liar, dude. Spin that however you want.

Rabia is a lawyer advocating for a family friend, and she doesn't know where a park is. You think she's full of shit. But Jay? Nothing in Jay's story matched the phone records until the police showed him the phone records. Even after that, the story that he told at trial still contradicted the phone records in

Again - if this woman not knowing where a park is is enough to demolish her credibility for you, how in the hell can you still consider Jay to even occupy the same universe as credibility?

"I Will Kill" doesn't tell us anything. It's some dumb thing a kid wrote on a note. The rest means Adnan can't be ruled out as the killer, but it doesn't connect him to the crime. Fingerprints would connect him to the crime. A witness who wasn't completely full of shit would connect him to the crime. 'He had enough

This woman doesn't know where a park is, so you don't trust her at all. But you trust Jay, even though that almost everything he's said about this case is a lie. Weird.

Most cases are decided on evidence that actually connects a person to the crime. Without Jay's testimony, all the evidence against Adnan amounts to is 'it's possible that he could have done it'.

All circumstantial. Without Jay's testimony, there is no case against Adnan, and Jay's testimony should be discounted, because we know it is almost entirely false. Jay knew where Hae's car was. Jay is the only person we know for sure was involved in this murder. And he's never revealed what actually happened on that

Why not? She's the one who has put in the work of FOIAing and combing through mountains of documents related to the case.

It turns out the real monster was miscegenation.

"-Adnan did it, Jay helped bury her" is the only thing that Jay has been consistent on. Everything else in his story has seemingly changed every time he told it. Even at trial, after absurdly extensive coaching, the story he told still contradicts the cell phone records throughout the day. He is demonstrably lying

It's from one of the documents Rabia Chaudry has obtained. (To be fair, she hasn't said what the source is. Mostly what she's posted is from police records and attorney's notes).