Joakim Jonsson
Everything About This Sucks

I woke up this morning to the news that Epic Games, a plucky corporate underdog worth $17 billion, was trying to

While I agree with your point, video games themselves have done a lot of the lifting there with the glorifying of war the Call of Dutys and Battlefields of the world do

Do we really want to see a sequel with the present day Ubisoft?

<i>Carrion</i>: The <i>Kotaku</i> Review

In Carrion you move so fast, so malevolently, it’s genuinely unsettling… even though you’re the one in control. And

That is the least credible theory. Mixer’s demise is proof that these guys can’t keep even the most lavishly funded streaming site afloat. The idea that they were gonna start their own brand new service is just utter fanboy fantasy. 

“I have no idea why Twitch banned me.”

The streamers chose to act as a liasons to a nation’s military via propaganda targeted at young people—up to and including minors--while also partaking in erasing valid points brought up regarding said military’s actions on foreign soil in the services of oligarchs.

This streamers are complicit in a us army propaganda campaign, so no.

That’s because he’s one of the few proper games journalists out there. When game directors and studios actively dislike you, you know you’re a cut above the rest.

Your assumption is that those 20k viewers wouldn’t be watching something else on Twitch if it wasn’t for him.

Maybe Twitch has finally realized that the platform is big enough that it doesn’t need to indulge individual celebrity assholes to survive.

Something I realize that whenever I read something like this about a creator, I start reflecting on what they have done before and if these revelations cast some of those stories/decisions in a more questionable light.

Let’s be honest: with the way things are going right now, will anyone even be alive by November?

“...all part of the legacy of the Confederacy.”

Meet Sam Pawrter Bridges

I was gonna make Sauron PS5, but Zack wanted a cat, so cat became Catdalf.