Joakim Jonsson

I hope you will go! A sake tour sounds amazing. :)

I love Japan. Going there for my third time soon. But things like this...

At least this reminds me that I really need to replay Alien Isolation. I thought it was one of the best games I have ever played but have never replayed it. I even have it installed with a VR mod ready, and it would be awesome to have the alien come at you in vr and... Oh wait. Nevermind!

I really recommend the xbox 360 version. Replaying the game with improved controls really makes it shines in a whole new way and makes it feel less aged.

Perfect Dark is the only game I’ve enjoyed “speedrunning” in to some extent. When the game came to xbox arcade I just started to replay a lot of missions as fast as possible. Although I didn’t try to use glitches. I just thought it was funny to run past enemies and then use a melee attack to make them drop their

“enough people get pissed to get you in trouble...”

A great reading! 

One thing that keeps surprise me watching your videos is how you now and then brings up a story about your life that ends up being so interesting it could have its own video. Like this one when you talk about Braid. Like woah Tim. :)

Thanks for all your work Kirk!

Damn that became surprisingly touching there at number 3. Great video! :)

I can imagine a lot of the development went making multiplayer work on the engine. And I know that Bethesda has expanded a lot to be able to work on several of projects at the same time. But with most things there is probably several of different reasons rather than something easy to blame on.

I read about this on Io9 and made this. It’s almost kinda scary how similar our line of thoughts were.

In the end, we did listen. 

If modern games wanna be more cost effective they could learn a lot from games like Goldeneye. That game gave you a lot of replay value with little additional development

It becomes really clear that something is very wrong with Activision. The new Call of Duty sells extremely well by a similar amount as the previous games. But still their stocks drops because the profit isn’t growing. When you read this you almost start to think  “oh no, Blizzard isn’t making enough money”. But then

Yeah, not trying to discredit Goldeneye in any way. It’s still an amazing game and some aspects of it I can kinda miss. I love for example how harder difficulties changes the missions, like giving you new objectives to complete and so on. Why doesn’t more games do that? :)

You mention this briefly, but I am amazed how much influences Ocarina of Time has had with its gameplay mechanics. You can see traces of the gameplay in games like Witcher 3 and the Souls series, and at its core it is still very similar. It has aged so well. Like, by comparison, if you play “Golden Eye 64” it can feel

This is the reason why I am done responding to comments.

If Highlight reel was nothing but Red dead 2 clips forever I would be perfectly fine with it. These are awesome. :)

Clearly Lisa was just so happy to see you she couldn’t wait.