It would be one thing if the animation was completely copied, but the character in “your name” has very different movement. Don’t really see the point in copying something if you are still gonna redraw the entire character animation. Then it’s still the same amount of work.
Wish Casey all the best! He got a lot of crap during ME3, but he was big part of the original series. So if they would start making a new Mass Effect, I would be happy to know he oversees it to some extent.
Replaying Wind Waker reading notes from all the bottles in the sea was half the joy.
I would say that team work is already important, but it’s definitely going to change tactics. I’m thinking the biggest change might be in defensive play. In 4 man squads you can cover all flanks easily at the moment. With a limited field of view is going to be harder defending positions like hills and forests. Not to…
Ha! This is pretty much to only sports game I remember really enjoying! Glad to know it just wasn’t some childish nostalgic memory of it.
I would love such festival. Just such a shame I can’t join myself. Would probably be an awesome atmosphere. An adequate sacrifice though. ;)
Because for a lot of examples in this video that would require the game to have 2 version of an animations, 3D modules and objects, or two shadow systems to switch between. Which would probably be tricky for the optimization and the games file size would be bigger.
Although, this is the sort of decision that can bite Sony in back later. Because when its time to switch console crossplay can be a very compelling argument. Isolating yourself within an industry is not good long term. Case of point of a company often having similar tactics: Nintendo.
They are using the wrong sound for goofy when he is thrown into enemies.
Great article Jason!
Yes, Yessssss. This is good.
Wheres my Calvin and Hobbes? You said there will be Calvin and Hobbes! This doesn’t even have The Far side!
Started reading this disappointed it wasn’t about an actual game, after watching the episode I’m not disappointed anymore. :)
We agreed no to mention the failed attempts.
This is but the first step of TAY taking over the world.
Thats an awfully diplomatic answer, “equally good” HA! No, they are both bad. ;)