Alright I’ll bite. But I accept by disagreeing with your opinion that instantly it makes me an “hipster asshole”. Fine, so be it! :)
Alright I’ll bite. But I accept by disagreeing with your opinion that instantly it makes me an “hipster asshole”. Fine, so be it! :)
And let it be a horror game “inspired” by another well known franchise.
You have to give Rockstar credits for trying new things for a while. Looking at their list of games developed it is pretty diversed Ping pong, the warriors, Bully and manhaunt. Not all masterpieces, but at least intresting ideas. Not sure how true that is to Rockstar today, but I am really hoping their next game will…
Something tells me that Fallout 4 was a pretty hyped up game. Good thing it lived up to all our realistic expectations.
Micrsoft and Rare really wants you to like Rare again. With this, the Rare collection, and the upcoming pirate game they really want you to think as highly of Rare as I did 2 decades ago.
Something similar happen to me a few weeks ago when I played CS:GO with two friends on some random server. It was warm up, so everyone was rushing, the other team went straight to our spawn and didn’t see me by a corner they passed so I got a clear shoot at their backs and managed to kill 3 of them with one shoot and…
Good, actually somewhat, for you!
Your comment is intresting for me, you defend a system with an explaination that might aswell be an argument against it. You make a decent salary yet all those expenses for basic stuff you barley can keep up with. Then you admit yourself selfish, but think “rich” people should absolutley not be.
I think is better you read about it somewhere else. I know it in general. College is payed for to a certain degree. But not entirly, most students takes loans to cover it up. And that loans system is its own beast, its a very generous loan in general. But yeah, it is worth reading about.
Sweden. Nope its not 50, but somewhere at 20-30% for me, depends on your income. Scary, huh?
Sweden. If only facts and experiance could win a political argument. Then a lot of countries would have been better. (Aswell as my own.)
“Hey remember the guy who can’t correctly type any little comment on kotaku? Well, we got some good news .....”
I wish him all the best. Truley, I hope he survives.
A jump scare can be brilliant depending on the creator. The best jump scares has a long well constructed build up, and give you hints that something is coming up but you don’t know when, and then attacks you when you least expect it. It becomes cheap when it’s overused, and I think Until Dawn suffer form this.
I think the jumpscares in Until Dawn is one of the games downsides. The developers really didn’t dare to have one slow scene for 5 minutes without something happning, and in some scenes it becomes silly when that crow tries to scare you for the second time. The game just isn’t patient enough to build up to that huge…
The Donkey kong 1 & 2 soundtracks are just phenomenal. It’s the only ones from super nes games I actually still go back to and listen to reguarly.
“Only 10 people at most worked at most on Super mario world”