Joakim Jonsson

I think it’s important to note that the developer themself never compared it to P.T. And reading their kickstarter and watching the gameplay there doesn’t seem to any interest in trying to recreate that. For me it also remids me of “gone home” sense you seem to explore an apartment freely and find puzzels in it.

An enjoyable listen.

I’ve enjoyed these steam groups articles Nathan!

Look at the parade, Tina, they love you!

Awww, I simply assumed we all agreed to not change anything here ever again. :(

Oh, you know me so well. Lets hug!

Thats a very bold statment. And PS4 fanboys are Xbox owners.

I have no idea whats in my PC, but I know it’s gonna rock the shit out of the graphics setting.

Your thoughts are appreciated, friend!

The event is going to be community made, like most of the stuff in this update is, instead of Valve. How that is going to turn out remains to be seen.

I played TF2 a lot last month, and for me its just a game to play when you want some lazy and quick action. I turn of all the mic sounds and doesn’t really communicate at all, just run around focus on my teams score. It does help its one of those games I feel really good at and can really dominate some matches even

I’m overall satesfied with my Iphone and ipad, but they really make me hold of any types of update as long as I can.

With atmosphere and gameplay, I thought Revelations 2 was a step in the right direction. Even if it was filled with an awkward upgrade system and tons of microtransations. (The game was really cheap so its slighltly more forgivable than 60 bucks title.) Considering fans reaction on the 6th game, and that the rerelease

Being serious here, someone took the articles headline too serious.


If developers are using early access chanses are pretty good their not in an financial superb situation. I can bet that the majority of early access games out there wont ever be finished. Because its such wast number of small indie games no one has heard of.

When you respond an article 2 years later I think we can all assume how out of their time the “loyal Jeopardy fans” are. Among other things.

Y’know, I think achievements has become at their absolute worst in sandbox games. Especially Ubisofts games. These types of games are so filled with collectables, unlockables to such an insane level. Not for making the game more fun to play. But to encourage playing the game longer for the sake of unlockables and

This was really noticable for me when I played the Silent Hill HD collection. When you play such an atmospheric game that, that you have played before so many times, and was never designed for achievements, they really gets to you like an uninvited guest. (Although, pretty much sums up my entire experience with mess

Ever thought The Walking Dead would be better with cute anime ...