Joakim Jonsson

Its a game that has not aged well. N64 graphics and the controls are terrible. And there is an inconsistencey of the quality of the levels, especially later in the game. But it did have tons of good ideas, and I still love playing the games first four levels, they are brilliant. If you haven’t played it Xbox 360 has

Dragons should be the default in any character creation. Why can’t developers see there is a huge lack of those games?

I’m gonna let you in on secret here, all the reviews in the world are biased. Is the sad consequence of having opinions.

One game I really do like the difficulty levels in is Perfect Dark on N64 because they add so much reputability. Where you have an somewhat open level and depending on what difficulty you choose you have different amount of mission you need to do within the level and sometimes it changes the location and weapons you

Yeah, the elites absent in Halo 3 does impact the game. Not that I think all Halo game needs to have that enemy type. But the Brutes in Halo 3 does feel like an attempt to mimic the elites. While the Brutes in Reach can stand out more by being a more reckless enemy that comes in bigger waves than the Elites. And the

By the way, speaking of difficulties, how do you feel do feel about them in FPS?

We need some sort of internet event when they reveal Fallout 4. I have a feeling I am not the only one that looks forward to that. *wink, wink*

Oh? I didn’t know that. I admittedly did not play the level as much as the rest of the game. That does sound like more like Halo. Although, I do recall playing that map with 3 friends on legendary, trying to find the skull was really fun.

Yeah Halo 3’s flood is the worst, it suffers from having so much going on it’s hard to get any tactics from it. Especially the level where you have to rescue Cortana, thats for me easily the worst level in any halo game for me. It’s a shame, because in theory more variations of flood enemys should be a good thing.

I think what ultimately decide if you enjoy the library and the flood, is on what difficulty you play Halo on. Because if you play on normal the game doesn’t punish you for running forward and shooting recklessly, so yeah, then the level becomes the mindless thing a lot of people thinks it is. While in heroic and

Mass Effect was an amazing games when it comes to immersing yourself in your character you can see things form different angles. One of my biggest memories was romancing Garrus in the second game, I had already finished the game a few times, so I did this mostly as a joke. I had romanced Liara in the first game and

I remember that I tried to make her look like Tanja from Red Alert.

I think the reason why I play as a girl in a lot of games is a bit of reverse psychology. When I start a character creator screen, I make often it my lifes mission to go as far from the default character as possible. Who wants to be default? Thats sounds awfully boring.

He hits a few notes wrong in the video. He make it sound like Konami turned into an asshole overnight, but the thing is the recent years Konami has been a really hard to reach company about anything. Years, they also been releasing less and less games. The silence konami is given right now is the companys normality.

I really like the idea of it, and the animation was cool at the time, even if it has aged.

It was a long time I watched it now. But from what I recall the movies had a complete inability to “show, don’t tell” throughout its entire story.

You monster! :O

We have nurtured them with care over many years since their inception

Now playing

One thing I like about the second silent hill film is that its everything thats usally bad about a game adaptation of a movie, but its an movie adaptation of a game. It has less coherent plot, dumb down characters, and more action scenes.

I was super hyped for Advent Children, it was an instant buy when it came to the stores, after I had watched it it was instantly thrown out from the window onto the streets. The only other movie that suffered the same faith was The Da vinci code. Enough said.