Your points of people paying for it’s wrong. But one thing is clear: That people wont be able to play PT soon is a fucking tragedy. It might have been a 40 minutes teaser. But it was one of the best gaming experiances last year.
Your points of people paying for it’s wrong. But one thing is clear: That people wont be able to play PT soon is a fucking tragedy. It might have been a 40 minutes teaser. But it was one of the best gaming experiances last year.
Mike, make a photoshop contest out of this, I command thee!
Oh, you are right. Dubbel checked that. Bummer.
Although to be fair, all of those projects he had no blame in getting it canceled. The Hobbit the people wanted Peter Jackson instead, Mountain of Madness the budget all the sudden was “too big for a horror movie” and it was abandoned, unless they could have made a PG 13 version. The other horror games he worked on…
Trust me, you do NOT want this game switch to another developer. That is path that never goes well.
Bwhahah! I edited it! YOU SAW N’TING HERE! ;)
The second one was laughable bad. Its more of a video game than the game is, because it has so many cheap scares, and random monster events and action scenes. (Like clowns eating flesh, ORIGINAL!) It completely lacks any idea of what subtle means. At least the first film was pleasant to look at. I really enjoyed how…
It was years sense I got so hyped up about ANYTHING like I did when I saw and played PT the first time. I love the old Silent Hills. But what hyped me up the must was that PT was a good game by its own right. It didn’t even rely much on Silent hill, it was its own thing that only mention Silent hill at the end. When I…
PT was a good game on its own right. Regardless if the new silent hill happen it would a huge lost that new players wont be able to try this game.
Mixed feelings about this. It’s awesome that people who are willing make mods on their free time can get payed. Skywinds is looking out to be something I would willingly spend money on.
But then considering how well Early Access and Greenlight is doing, I feel like this can once again become shitfest of riddicules…
It’s proof that Bill knew exactly how a child thinks.
It’s not a matter of if they are allowed to ban or not, or course they are. It’s how they collect and use data about individual people.
Lots of replies. Woo! :)
I actually took the time to read the terms of use and what data Micrsoft claim to collect. Honest to god, it’s actually interesting reading. And as far as I can see Microsoft does not have the the right to record entire conversations. They are however allowed to use voice recordings when you do…
You can’t have a user agreement that contradicts other laws of that country it’s agreed upon. USA is less restricted to this. But as I said, in broader terms it would be hard to pass.
A well intended idea. But recording a person without their knowledge like that, on a service like xbox live, would be a legal mess in a lot of countries Xbox live works in. Not to mention that unless the whole conversation is recorded its easy record a part of it that can be taken out of context and ban people…
Finally some sane answears around here!
I know one who wont agree, meatbag.