
Sweet Christmas. I always forget just how much people lose their goddamn minds on this topic.

Sitting with spread legs is not intentionally rude. Seriously. Please quit judging us on this.

The same psn that was completely down for an entire day just awhile ago?

Well he has real life friends, has gotten laid and doesn’t live in his mom’s basement or have a neckbeard.... so he doesn’t meet the requirments.

Relax, lady.

Just embrace Cincinnati's permanent mediocrity and stop bitching about your own teams ineptitude to stay calm.

I’d like to leave this world the same way I entered it:

Missed the point, huh? That's okay, I'm sure you'll get it next time.

OBJ redeemed his no-good-very-bad day full of punches with this late touchdown catch.

Beckham should absolutely have not been in the game to make that play. Probably getting suspended.

Thats great. Hope your mom took her time with it.

If you’re watching the Pitt game for Dave Wannstedt, you’re going to be disappointed.

Nice 1 to 8 ratio of articles to ads today.

Thank you. I needed that today.

No...Sadly nothing can be done and the true truth can never be known. But how is that the fault of CNN or even the filmmaker? Alex Gibney was making a documentary on the come back of Lance Armstrong. An inspirational film. And, if things hadn’t changed a bit for Lance, that’s exactly what we would’ve had from Gibney.

Thought it kinda resembled an MR2 at first but it's a Camry. Mid-90's.

'95 - 96 toyota camry - top hole holds the turn signal, bottom is the "brake duct", and the crease along the bottom matches up well