
Stilt-Man Disney+ series when?

Tormund Approves...

Lifted bro trucks.

They’re not “resurrected haphazardly by the island”. They have Cerebro maintaining a database of their backed-up minds via Xavier’s telepathy, and using a team of five mutants to combine their powers to basically clone the dead mutants and shove the backups into the clone’s brains.

Far more trans people get murdered for being trans every year than douchebros like you get “surprised” by someone’s trans status, but go ahead and keep fucking that chicken.

It’s not posturing, y’all are fucking bigots.

Fuck off with the transphobia 

What you might be missing is that these clowns are in Utah where, due to our geography, we regularly have the most polluted air in the nation. Because of the winter inversions along the Wasatch front we have dozens of winter days where kids can’t play outside as the air is classified as dangerous to breathe. It’s not

Should I have to pay a hefty fine

I find this nothing short of astounding. He got hit in one of the most vulnerable places on the cage after he had already taken one hell of a nose dive into the barrier. The fact that he’s alive, let alone walking out of the hospital less than 48 hours after the accident....holy fuck. Someone give these safety

First, those didn’t exist when GM was bringing the GTO and G8 over. 

Except that you’re wrong. At the time the GTO was brought over, the only other car you could get the LS2 in was the Corvette. As for the G8, name another V8, rwd, 6-speed sedan you could (or can) buy for under $50k. I’ll wait.

Brakes, suspension, exhaust, and a little ECU tuning. While a little dated with some of its technology, my G8 is the most fun I’ve had with a car in a long time.

Just about 3 years ago, my wife and I were contacted about adopting a newborn. Like, if you want him, you have to adopt now. Talk about a sudden change in our lives! We had no “heads up notice,” and were completely unprepared. We jumped in the car, headed to the hospital, and started talking about baby names. She

It’s been a long road getting from there to here. 

Wait...what’s that in the back of the lot??

A Chevy SSR though would be wonderful donk’d all out.