Slim Snerdy

I really like Calvin and Hobbes. I am also a large Nintendo fan. Unfortunately, I would have to respect Bill Watterson, and refrain from endorsing this t-shirt, as it is well known that nothing except the actual comics are endorsed. Same issue with Nintendo. Mashups are great and all but to hold restraint and not

Joyous to play and exploding with creativity, Mario Galaxy not only reinvigorated the Mario brand, it introduced a number of fascinating new mechanics, several of which were lifted by other games. In particular, it popularized the notion of a less essential co-op player with"Co-Star Mode," in which one player took on


Limited Edition Zelda 3DS XL Bundle ($220) | Best Buy

Fantastic offer. Now we wait for the 32 gig memory to drop in price again.

Rugrats and Doug Seasons on DVD starting at $10

Debranded 23" 1080p IPS Monitor ($135) | Woot!

Not a video game twist but this sure stuck with me. It was resounding and I still love the buildup to it.

Is it safe to say that it is a little "black and white" down at the bottom of the ocean?

In the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask did you collect every single heart piece? This includes the Goron dungeon on the Moon.

John Carmack, the king of code. I had a strong hunch that this article (a great read) would attract the attention of Mr. Carmack himself. Thank you for your input and your feedback. Kotaku, a brilliant job in posting such a longread by a developer that loves their craft.