
This article is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Yeah, you noticed that too? Makes the entire situation more upsetting/more confusing. It sounds like a doctor injecting his morality and or his religion into his practice.

Consistency is not the hallmark of The United States. 

I really do enjoy the video of Hershell Walker talking about China stealing our “good air” and sending their “bad air” over here.  Genius. 

I think whoever wrote it had NO idea how many weeks are in a full term pregnancy. Hopefully they do now...I wasn’t aware, until recently, how many Republican politicians, both men and women, don’t even have a basic understanding of a woman’s reproductive system. I don’t expect people to be experts but if you’re going

Wow, Jezebel is really scrapping the barrel with these comments.

I can’t stand them either but at least print the original pic (bad enough) and not one that’s obviously been photo shopped. We have to be better than them and you’re not. 

Who gives a shite?  They’re over 18. Pettiness is such a bore. 

Frankly, your comment is equally as odd.  They’re taking away womens reproductive rights and this occupies your mind?

When you come back from LaLa Land give us a ring, you’ve obviously missed a lot..

Yeah but they have a private plane and that’s all that matters to shallow people that love them. 

She more than held her own with this asshat, there was nothing in her performance to indicate someone who was bat crazy and triggered.  In fact, quite the opposite. 

Oh but it’s so worth watching her.  Trust me. 

No, she needs to have that conversation with her parents, especially her Mother and not the press. They parade those kids around like last years Prada Bag, that’s not the Paparazzis fault. North was attending these shows wtih Mummy & Dady, in the evening, at one year old in Paris.

Look up how many mass shooters post on social media prior to the just happened again in Texas. Better to investigate. 

I lived in Montclair for about 20 years about two blocks from Bobbi’s gorge house and I used to ALWAYS bring my son over there for Halloween candy! Firstly because I wanted to see the house! LoL.. I’m a real estate junkie and her home is beautifu. For at least the ten years we went there, she let everyone in the house

Sorry but the material and the pattern just look cheap. 

No offense but that’s not “2x” the product, she has at least 5x or more of the product. It’s ridiculous. How can you be into makeup and not know the philosphy behind Bobbi Brown is a very natural look. It’s not rocket science or a lot or research.

If we’ve learned anything since 2016, it’s that some people ONLY need their certainty, facts be damned.

It’s hard to feel sorry for the man who was worth over $50Million when they met,  was 20 years older and one of the most famous/powerful movie stars in the world. There was no balance of power in the relationship, he had it all..