
oh I’m sorry the MULTITUDE of videos are just “butterflies being harmed or blades of grass stepped on”...GTFO with that bullshit.

A big man like the piece of shit that tried to throw the Molotov? Or the one that smashed out the windows of the bus? Well thought out reply. Great job defending your point. I guess if you’re not causing property damage then you’ve got nothing to worry about.

You’re just going to be called racist because you care more about property damage then the ‘message’ of the protest.

Are you listening to yourself? Destroying PERSONAL property is acceptable because the cops shot someone? Mother fucker, come on my property and TRY to fuck something up. It won’t be the cops that take you down. You want to smash cop cars? Fine. Looting stores and destroying public transportation is thug/mob mentality.

Well that’s just dumb. A protest that results in me being an hour late for work is highly unlikely to garner any support from me for their cause, whatever it may be. If I am on the fence on an issue, that will definitely turn me against it. Similarly, burning down a Walgreen’s is a poor form of protest.

Honestly, if you loot/destroy property, you are a terrible, miserable cunt of a person that is helping nothing, and you deserve to be taken into custody.

You don’t have to burn down a community and destroy places of employment to protest. You don’t have to throw rocks at the police. However, there will always be those few individuals that would rather cause chaos and ruin a peaceful demonstration.

You realize it was a black officer that shot him, right?

No, we really really don’t. The vast majority don’t give a crap one way or the other (I certainly don’t). That said, there is unfortunately a vocal minority on both sides of this issue (see said looters above) and the whole thing goes to shit. This BLM thing ticks me off mostly becuase these “peaceful” protests keep


Yeah, trying to throw a molotov cocktail at people is similar to trampled blades of grass.

Shit ain’t going over any ledge, if perhaps it was an amazing turn out of people somehow being utterly peaceful, and showing that they understand solidarity, maybe...., but no, too much looting, and violence, most the country is not behind this, and cannot ignore that.

So I see The Concourse has taken the Gawker approach to comments they disagree with... keep them silent and in the greys so people have to click “Show Pending” to read any comment that doesn’t follow the narrative. Ya know, for a bunch of NYC millennials who argue for free speech all of the goddamn time, you all have

Why are they still being referred to as protesters? This was nothing more than a riot about a black man with a gun being killed by a black cop after not following instructions.

Yes, but since Gawker was sent to sleep with the fishes, Gawkerish Concourse posts seem about half the Deadspin content...which is fair to neither Deadspin nor the Concourse/ersatz Gawker content developers.

Such a sad situation for so many reasons. Mainly because these people rioting, vandalizing, and looting do not actually care. Never in history has this type of violent demonstration ever caused any improvement to a situation.

As a former Charlotte resident this is sad, always such an easygoing town. However I fail to see how a black officer shooting a black citizen prompts the beating of a white man in a parking garage and a call for a ban on white businesses. The protesters are determined to make this a racial issues and reinforce the

Hey look at this guy with the pink guitar!