
I really hope that improved d-pad becomes standard equipment on the next xbox.

Yeah, clearly Kickstarter is just a way for worthless projects to find money.

hmmm...I had not considered that when I first heard about this.

Overall a very salient analysis.

Yeah. What's wrong with fear-mongering when it is totally accurate? The orator may have the perception of being manipulative, but so what? The question is not your feelings to the speaker; what's important is whether what he says is true.

I think you misread (which is understandable given how poorly he worded it). He said Harry potter was a rip-off of The EarthSea books of Ursula LeGuin.

See this is where I disagree. The ONLY similarity between the works is that you have minors killing each other in a bloodsport. let me see if I understand this correctly. (and this addressing the other commenters who have chosen to speak on whether one is a rip-off of another).

......tiny foot jetpacks.

I immediately thought the same thing when I read this.

An excellent point. The resources needed for a successful game are significantly more capital intensive than those for a successful for and in many cases even a successful film.

Let's hope it turns out better than Ninja Gaiden 3. kinda is. kinda is.

On Myth 6: Another factor here is that people tend only to pay attention to weight, when in reality weight is a non-issue. You might lose a bunch of weight dieting, but if it is mostly muscle then it's really a negative because you are wasting your useful body tissue.

I also liked how goofy their protocol for testing was. You were either holding a toy gun, or a soft foam ball.

The study itself does not really prove anything.

The Gunshow Loophole is a myth. It is true that gun sales occur without background checks being performed, but this is not something special about gunshows here. Backgroundless sales only occur between 2 private individuals, no different than the private sale of anything else. FFL's do not and are not permitted to

Why do people still believe saturated fat is the problem? There is no good experimental data to show that it is the problem. All the data showing a link between saturated fat and heart disease was based off poorly done observational analysis of lifestyle patterns. It's basically misinformation.