
My slavery analogy is spot on IMO. What is slavery except the right of one group of people to order another group of people how they are allowed to use their own bodies? You can make all these arguments concerning the socially bad effects of drug use (which there undeniably are), but if THAT is you standard for your whole line of argument seems to be "These are the way things are, there is no point trying to change them regardless of how bad/stupid the status quo is." There is nothing idealistic about my underlying idea: that people are self-owners and should generally be left alone. We had about 150 years where we

Yes, clearly the fault lies with the people who are engaging in fundamentally peaceful activities, and not with the self-righteous busy-bodies who are trying to enforce their standards of personal conduct on the rest of society.

The title of the article is mistaken.


I do not understand why the "do you own a gun question" is considered as absurd as "are you North Korean". North Koreans (it is my understanding) do not exactly have the freedom of movement that their South Korean brothers are fortunate to have, so asking if they're from the North is generally a question born from

It is for the part of us who inhabit both userbases.

Little behind the times there Kotaku.

Free country my ass.


They are films, not another series.


I have one of those and I can recommend it without reservation. It is just wonderful. The ability to fiddle with the d-pad sensitivity (via a little screw in the back) is a great feature on it too.

hilarious ending scenario 1) Facebook does cost accounting and still sees some profit margin, but decides that any service outside of starting an account would require european users to pay monthly fees.

Yeah right, as though this will actually become the norm on this coming generation.

1st. If there is one thing I've learned it is that the entertainment industry will wildly inflate any piracy statistics excessively to make it look as though they are being horrendously drained of money. It would not surprise me if that "90%" has no basis in fact, like most of the statistics they trumpet.

You can't really tell against a white background, but the pixelating effect is actually more effective at breaking outlines between the soldier and the environment. It makes it harder for the brain to distinguish that the camouflaged thing is a discrete object.

I was about to point out the exact same thing actually in relation to the images that are somehow supposed to prove something.

"As an industry of innovators and creators, we understand the importance of both technological innovation and content protection, and do not believe the two are mutually exclusive,"

The entire line of reasoning that men can treat women in exactly the same way that they treat men is so absolutely deluded I am amazed that anyone can believe it. Demanding that we should put millions of years of evolution and the subsequent civilizational evolution that entails is just flatly absurd. Men and women