
@uncutlateralus: The article also fails to mention various national trade barriers which will also determine a videogames price. I'm fairly sure that in Europe, VAT taxes also come into play (could be wrong as I have not studied international taxes recently).

Hang on one second.

@BadassSailor: I respect very much the 10th amendment foundation and the fact that (even imperfectly) they are atleast a voice for liberty.

When I first saw the advertisement screen with Dan, I thought they had given him a tumor on the right side of his face.

@kneegrow: they are APPOINTED. Even they themselves acknowledge that the voter themselves have no say in which of them is chosen for their seat.

@nchotstff: Jefferson thought the opposite not long after the constitution was ratified.

@BadassSailor: ........I do not mean to be rude my good sir but it seems to me you have been caught hook line and sinker into the official propoganda story.

"There are no laws that limit the sale or exposure of violent entertainment to minors, but the court could decide, through this case, that the time for such restrictions is right and not a violation of the Constitution."

"just got home from the pub and it's 3am and I'm maggot but don't want to go to bed"

Damn. This is going to be an absurdly epic fighting game.

@Jezuz: Yeah in most cases the right is just as hypocritical as the left. Whether they are mad or not is largely dependent on who's side is in political office.

Fist Full of Frags.

And now......coming in 2014.