

...a gamepad with a real working d-pad?

@arionfrost: My point precisely. An arbitrary age designation tells me absolutely squat about the individuals involved, and that is the key in determining whether it actually was a crime or not.

@BigBadHarv: My reasoning for saying ti was not coercion is that I imagine if it were it would be mentioned in the article, because knowledge like that would build public support for the prosecuting case. For the obvious reason.

@VyseTheQuick: I do not at all agree with your characterization of physical and mental development during the "adolescent" years. I would suggest you get yourself a copy of "The Case Against Adolescence" and come to your own conclusions from there. My whole point in mentioning Samuel Colt is to show that yer basis of

@arionfrost: Let's not get into a debate about the industrial revolution. Frankly I'm of exactly the opposite opinion concerning the use of child labor.

@Baboonski: Hell if I know. My point is that it should not be an issue set arbitrarily by a legislature.

@IOTI: Strawman argument combined with a non-sequitor. You are implying that since I do not want them thrown in prison I would not care that it happened. This does not logically follow. Frankly it would depend on the individuals involved.

@Stuky: As though that were a reasonable possibility.

@Marasai: The hell I wouldn't. (Although I do admit I would consider it much ickier if it were the case)

@Lodril: Oh I see I see. So in 3 years the teenager goes spontaneously from "unreasoning agent" to "reasoning agent"?

@IOTI: Yes I would.


This is so absurd. It is so obvious that he guy was JUST as involved as the woman was. These laws are so freaking idiotic, they act as though the kid had absolutely no abilities to act as a thinking and reasoning agent.

@mindloss: I may have misunderstood. In your previous post you said he "should apologize". This implied in my mind that you were in favor of some form of coercion on the part of consumers to make him change his tune.

@mindloss: "also, calling something gay because it's stupid is not the same as calling someone a capitalist because they love money. that definition of capitalist is true."

@mindloss: .....I don't see why.