
For a handheld I think it does pretty damn well.

@diasdiem: That was a great skit.


So when is the release date for this?

@phantomK: given that someone will simply come up with a different device for doing it/ there will simply be a blackmarket in R4 devices which will spring up spontaneously now (like with drugs or like when prohibition was in effect).

@Stevox: ran a story about some European manufacturer coming up with a display processing method which actually eliminates all glare.

@MrGOH: yeah I don't really understand how one can even compare the two.

The new look made no sense. He looked like a different human being than he did in the first game. I mean WTH? Then they added that popped-collar frat boy voice on top of it.

Yeah right, they're similar to drug dealers alright.

I purchased my PS3 from a delightful middle-aged couple off of craigslist.

I'm diggin the art style.

@Whizkid103: Even forgetting the production values, the manner in which you can beat the hell out of japanese mobsters was worth the price of admission for me.

Anyone ever see that show "Ghost in the Shell"?

Wow, and you thought the physical war on drugs was bad enough.

It was totally worth it.


This looks like a good spot.