
@nugimashou: ......that was one hell of a rant.

@jebrk6: Also as an engineer living in America I can completely and totally sympathize with this view.

"My error in the first place was to think I could make a convincing argument on purely theoretical grounds,"

I would love to see a PS3 version of this I can just play online.

If it makes it cheaper to ship stuff world wide then hell I'm for it.

@jdale: The concept/aesthetics question usually is brought up depending on how early in the lifecycle of a particular idea someone tries to uphold it in court. For example, when the Wright brothers made the first working airplane it was considered "novel" and thus they were able to patent the entire concept. That

@McGreed: A car is an invention; an actual physical contraption/process and is therefore covered under patent law and not copyright law. The standards governing the two are entirely different despite that fact that both are IP laws.

@cso1982: Yes you are because they own something much worse from a standpoint of liberty: they own a COPYRIGHT on the lightsaber.

On the website they formed it to look like a lightsaber.

@owen-magnetic: You seem to have overlooked my one point where I said "there is no painless solution". The solution may very well be that the political order must purge itself until an organic one can form without outside interference. This is admittedly a horrible outcome, but it may not be avoidable.

"Then you might have more to do with the bloody, brutal war in the Congo than you realize."

@CLanceMcP: Why would I attack with so many new Yakuza games?


Couldn't care less about network pass.

@Chronixal: I would much rather have a redux of the original Xenogears, given that it was about 10 times better than any of the xenosaga entries.

@GirlFailer: "I did see that. I still have problems constantly reading the "watch your back, and carry mace, ladies" comments from men."

@kylecpcs: Plenty of black and white laws are made grey by a judge who feels like making whatever decision he wants.

So is this only on xbox arcade?