
Sigh. Ah yes. The unfunniest joke is the one that has been around the longest.


No, it’s really that you thought it was more clever than it was.

We all prefer to forget about the Canadian part, as we do with all actors who make it.

Yes, we ALL KNOW about Battle Royale. You won’t find anyone on this page scrambling to look up anything you said, because it’s already been said, and better.

Sure a downgrade from the doctor she is to a nurse is probably a great idea.

In America, we say “different from” or “different than,” NOT “different to.”

HATE that the word “kozy,” meant to denote a “cozy” hugging relationship between the outer shell and the beer, has become bastardized to “koozie.”

He should, because fuck you.

How’d you read edible? I clearly saw editable.

Literally no one uses hooves anymore. FOR THE LONGEST TIME.

Then happily stay in your country and don’t worry about visiting. You won’t, right? You promise to stay in the minors.

We’re sad for you too, dumbass.

Did they say “by the government?” I didn’t read that, Smitty.

Wow, you’re incredibly fucking stupid. Either that or you’re pretending that you’re too stupid to get what’s going on here.

A common tactic used by the uneducated.