I think people are starting to get burned out on Minecraft, and regardless of what system it comes out in, people know it still looks the same and more or less plays the same but yeah it's still sad lol.
I think people are starting to get burned out on Minecraft, and regardless of what system it comes out in, people know it still looks the same and more or less plays the same but yeah it's still sad lol.
The ironic part here being that Ubisoft is one of the few AAA devs that have put a game out there with a female main character in recent years. Twice.
So the way to indicate that women are no different from men and should be treated the same is to continually harp on gender issues, obsess about the number of female characters, and draw false equivalences between things that are obviously different. So convincing.
Oh wow, you all are really going to push this one aren't you.
Nice work selectively quoting the interview and wording you headline to imply controversy, while ignoring quotes like:
Ubisoft and Microsoft didn't have much to say about The Division at the latter's E3 press conference this morning,…
Yeah, because it's not like the previous game was the best franchise entry in a decade or anything.
You know these two used to get together over coffee and go "right, so you take those studios, and I'll take these... We'll split the exclusives down the middle... Have you picked out a color for your yacht yet? I think mine will be green."
Correction: Never get a game based on a review, get it based no your own gameplay.
I would die.
We know where Mario Kart 8 is right now — on the television set of nearly everyone with a Wii U — but last week the…
I saw it today and it was alright. I think I still preferred First Class, but it's been so long since I've seen it I may just be remembering it as the better film because of the contrast with X3.
As Azhram says, laptops are the stuff these days, at least with the kids. For a couple hundred bucks parents can get their kids one, it takes up very little space, and it's rapidly closed when parents knock on the door and the kids are chatting with predators on the internet.
"Better than flappy birds"
Answer to #1: General Relativity. Specifically, that time passes relative to your speed. The music would theoretically play at normal speed (as perceived by Quicksilver) as long as it was also moving at or near the speed of light. Because science.
Assuming that the Professor can't somehow jumpstart the old synapses into working again and combining the two alternate Wolverines into one.
You're probably right, although a quick origin wouldn't have hurt considering she's a more obscure x men character. Then again, I don't follow the comics, so I may be wrong.
Yeah that one was kind of a....."OK, I'll turn my brain off for that part as it's necessary for the rest of the movie."